Parents’ ‘Sex Ed Sit Out’ Protesting Forced Gender Ideology in Schools Spreads Across Country

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I think there was a thread similar to this one a while back.
The only person I know whose parents did something like this during their education turned out to be trans*. So that was kinda funny.
Interestingly small kids seem to get it really quickly. But this looks to be aimed at high schoolers.
It confuses me as an adult. I still can’t get my head around the concept of a female penis.
With small kids you probably wouldn’t go into that much detail, and kids kinda have a way of picking things up faster than us adults 😊 after all the whole world is new to them. They don’t have rigid ideas about gender in their heads yet.
But doesn’t this worldview give them more rigid ideas about gender?
Depends on how it’s taught. I know when I taught sex ed in a high school I explained that gender is a complex thing, I used the “gender bread man” to help explain.

But as with anything you start simple at a young age and then build from there. I’m only a high school teacher so I’m not sure how if address it too younger children. Possibly just explain that some people might be born looking like a boy or girl but grow up to realise they really aren’t?
I just feel sad for say the girls who like trucks and prefer not to wear skirts or make up, this ideology is effectively telling them that they aren’t good enough to be female and must therefore be male. When you look into it it’s a more rigid view of gender than in fundamentalist Christianity.
Actually as someone who has taught this in the classroom that is a common misconception 😊 part of teaching gender studies to children is making sure they understand that there kinda aren’t “girl” things and “boy” things; there are just things you might like and that’s cool.

I was a tomboy at school and folks bullied me mercilessly for not conforming. Gender studies says that’s fine; people just like stuff.

It actually ties in to my core work in teaching which is English; the amount of destruction the idea that “reading is girly (and girl stuff is bad)” has done to boys literacy is truly horrible.
I’m glad that this message about girl things and boy things is not being reinforced.

My other question would be how would you teach a boy about being respectful towards women while teaching an ideology that in some ways contradicts it?
We teach that people should be respectful to people regardless of the genders involved. A boy shouldn’t be respectful to a woman because she’s a woman; he should be respectful to her because she’s a person.
But surely part of respecting women is respecting their reasonable discomfort around men in certain situations and need for privacy. This doesn’t seem to come into current gender identity teaching.
We try to teach that anyone may be uncomfortable around, well, anyone in certain situations. And it is good to respect peoples comfort zones. Everyone has a need for privacy at times.

Sometimes a person doesn’t want to be touched, or doesn’t want to talk, or doesn’t even want to be near other people. We need to respect that. And we should also be able to expect to have our desires on that front respected.
Hm. I have only ever seen that from really shady types who delight in degrading women by equating feminine things with shame. I assume it was ironic.
It’s like trying to get your head around a unicorn because they don’t exist, it doesn’t register as reality.
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