Parents’ ‘Sex Ed Sit Out’ Protesting Forced Gender Ideology in Schools Spreads Across Country

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Internal genitalia means dual genitalia. The majority of transgenders have nothing in their physical makeup that declares they are the opposite sex. The cases you talk about are usually addressed in these modern times at Birth. This is a birth defect not a way of being.
Actually it doesn’t necessarily. An intersex person could have internal testes but not have a vagina quite easily. Also I suppose I wouldn’t count testes as a full set of genitalia, so I wouldn’t call it “dual genitalia” if the person had a vagina and a set of testes, which is a rather common set up. But again I ask; would the hypothetical woman I described not have a “woman’s penis”?

There is also quite a bit of push back against surgeries on intersex children these days as well. So more of these cases are not being “addressed” at birth. Because please remember, that is a really nice way of saying “perform non-consentual genital altering surgery on a child”. There are far too many cases of these surgeries being done when they were not needed.

Also, the term would be “transgender people”. And I am forced to ask again; if you consider transmen to be women then don’t some of them, who have had phalloplasty or other surgeries, have “women’s penises”?
If we are relying on science, there’s a specific definition of what determines gender and as of now, it lies in the chromosomes.
Actually that’s also flawed; there are many people that do not fall under XX or XY chromosomes.
I am kind to everyone and I will call them by their name. If they change their name, I will be kind. However, I will avoid joining the chorus that claims this is a normal condition. It isn’t. If Lily has male chromosomes in the quantity that makes her scientifically mail, I’m not going to lie to her. It isn’t my job to confront another child or even an adult. It is my job to teach my children about their bodies. Teaching gender means teaching Anatomy without opinion-based politics. If the child sees the anatomy and has questions about their own bodies, then they need to go home and ask questions. When schools got into the business of teaching sex, it led to debauchery. Teach what you’re paid to teach, skills that will get kids through life.
The case just reeked of male entitlment to me. I would rather teach young men to be respectful of women and not just stamp their feet to get what they want.
Lily is a woman though, not a young man. And this school was forcing her to dress in the wrong clothes, use the wrong name and made no attempt to work with her. I would rather people not be tormented like that by the school that is meant to teach them.
Interestingly small kids seem to get it really quickly. But this looks to be aimed at high schoolers.
Little children are quite malleable, which is why political activist and social constructionist types want to get their ideological hooks into the education system at an early age. This kind of mind-molding should have no place in the schools, that ought to stick to literacy, numeracy, science, the arts, history/civics from an unbiased perspective, technology, critical thinking and physical/health education.
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I am kind to everyone and I will call them by their name. If they change their name, I will be kind. However, I will avoid joining the chorus that claims this is a normal condition. It isn’t. If Lily has male chromosomes in the quantity that makes her scientifically mail, I’m not going to lie to her. It isn’t my job to confront another child or even an adult. It is my job to teach my children about their bodies. Teaching gender means teaching Anatomy without opinion-based politics. If the child sees the anatomy and has questions about their own bodies, then they need to go home and ask questions. When schools got into the business of teaching sex, it led to debauchery. Teach what you’re paid to teach, skills that will get kids through life.
As someone who has literally been paid to teach gender and sex ed; gender and sex are two different things. Sex is the physiological nature of the body, and which even then we find sex often lies on a spectrum with people falling outside of the usual male/female XX/XY dichotomies. Gender is the social manner of acting out masculine or feminine roles, often associated with ones sex.
Little girls aren’t going to fully understand the implications of being a women and neither are little boys going to fully appreciate what it’s like to be a man so its probably easier for them to believe you can change sex.
Interestingly small kids seem to get it really quickly. But this looks to be aimed at high schoolers.
Little children are quite malleable, which is why political activist and social constructionist types want to get their ideological hooks into the education system at an early age. This kind of mind-molding should have no place in the schools, ought to stick to literacy, numeracy, science, the arts, history/civics from an unbiased perspective, technology, critical thinking and physical/health education.
That’s fair. What about anti-bullying programs?
Because a man is an adult with a male body and that is what this person is.
Also, I find that the child is rarely given the space to figure things out. 5 year olds are being told that they are trapped in the wrong body. The community latches on and there is a lot of pressure to be trans or queer placed on a child who questions. Our society is sexually confused and so it is no wonder that this disorder has skyrocketed. We put these kids in a box and take away their ability to change their mind later in life. The questioning is encouraged and for those poor children, they are now locked into that identity before they even get the chance to discover who they are. This is out of hand and the fruit is incredible damage to those with the disorder.
Little girls aren’t going to fully understand the implications of being a women and neither are little boys going to fully appreciate what it’s like to be a man so its probably easier for them to believe you can change sex.
To be honest; I’m not sure what’s so different from my experience of womanhood to Lily’s. Aside from the fact I am not called to defend my womanhood as often as she likely is.
Also, I find that the child is rarely given the space to figure things out. 5 year olds are being told that they are trapped in the wrong body. The community latches on and there is a lot of pressure to be trans or queer placed on a child who questions. Our society is sexually confused and so it is no wonder that this disorder has skyrocketed. We put these kids in a box and take away their ability to change their mind later in life. The questioning is encouraged and for those poor children, they are now locked into that identity before they even get the chance to discover who they are. This is out of hand and the fruit is incredible damage to those with the disorder.
I think I have already explained in this thread somewhere that; no, they’re not. It is entirely and utterly against practice to tell a child what gender they are.
person who is intersex does not necessarily have “dual genitalia”. O
Clearly intersex people - whar used to be called hermaphrodites - which are VERY rare - are not what’s being opposed or discussed.

They clearly are discussing and opposing perfectly physically normal and healthy people mutilating their genitalia because they are “trans.”
Transwomen are biologically men, they aren’t physically different from other men. Being a woman isn’t a costume, its different biology.
person who is intersex does not necessarily have “dual genitalia”. O
Clearly intersex people - whar used to be called hermaphrodites - which are VERY rare - are not what’s being opposed or discussed.

They clearly are discussing and opposing perfectly physically normal and healthy people mutilating their genitalia because they are “trans.”
They’re not actually hugely rare. It’s surprisingly common, though many people won’t realise unless they go in for a medical procedure that they happen to be a woman with a sliver to teste tissue in their uterus or that they happen to have different chromosomes to what they thought 🙂 So, again; would that person have a “woman’s penis”?

Now, in terms of trans* people I have already explained how there is every possibility that the problem is a biological one. Secondly, I don’t see how it’s “mutilating” but that’s a very personal opinion for you to have. But thirdly, it’s their body. They are able to live perfectly fine lives after the surgery, if they even decide to have any surgeries. It becomes akin to being against ear piercing or tattooing. So, again; would a transman who has a penis not, by your definition, have a “woman’s penis”?
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