Parents’ ‘Sex Ed Sit Out’ Protesting Forced Gender Ideology in Schools Spreads Across Country

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It’s like trying to get your head around a unicorn because they don’t exist, it doesn’t register as reality.
What about people who are intersex? Or what about transmen who have had phalloplasty? (that second example is going on the assumption that as you seem to dispute transwomen being women that you likely also dispute transmen being men).
I don’t know the context but I’d have to say that’s a pretty mean comment. First she is calling you weak, and then she is implying that 2 be a woman means to be inherentlyweak
Oh, I thought she was just joking around and being a goofball…

Maybe I should tell her she’s gotta femenis?
This is one of those things; being compared to a woman is a pretty common insult. Even women use it. Being compared to a woman is seen as saying someone is weak, ineffectual, bad at stuff. But you really don’t get the same kind of thing in return, at least not from what I’ve seen. The closest you would get is a woman being called mannish or butch, which are purely disapproving things regarding their appearance.
There is the rare case when a child is born with both female and male genitalia. This is much different from body dysmorphic disorder. Claiming to be born in the wrong body, even when the body is in perfect working order, is a mental health disorder. Hating your own body is a mental health disorder.
The original motivation for the medical community 2 perform surgery solely for cosmetic purposes, was based in Fame and money. Frankenstein Style plastic surgeons destroy people’s lives in many ways.
The next thing you’ll tell me is that the best thing to do for anorexics is to encourage them to starve themselves because they think they’re fat. It’s an almost identical disorder of the Mind.
If your chromosomes lineup with your genitalia, then it is your brain that does not work if it tells you that you are trapped in the wrong body. The body works fine in this case, but instead of addressing the mind, we cut up the body. That’s insanity.
People who have body dysmorphic disorder are being victimized and normalized at the cost of their own well-being.
They are not hermaphrodites. The chromosomes and the genitalia are aligned and function as intended. So let’s cut up the genitalia. This is one of the more evil aspects of our world today. We do things simply because we can and do not consider the fact that we shouldn’t because it’s wrong.
Unnecessary surgery victimizes the patient even if the patient is convinced it is necessary.
Apparently the male vagina is also a thing although the individuals with them seem less keen to be incarcerated in men’s prisons
My mistake, it sounded like she was trying to hurt you. I didn’t realize it was said in jest. Even so there is a mentality about it that reinforces the idea that women are weak. I’m glad she wasn’t being mean.😊
But what about when they conflict, say a male bodied student who identifies as female wanting to use a female space and girls who aren’t comfortable?
I’m afraid the term “hermaphrodite” is both outdated and considered offensive, I think you meant intersex? I think you may have missed my question; would a woman with an intersex disorder which gives her a penis not have a “woman penis”? And what of a transman who has had phalloplasty? Or a metoidioplasty?

Now, in terms of those in the trans* community the body and the mind do not align. And some, though not all, decide to pursue surgery to remedy this. Indeed it is accepted by psychologists that gender affirming surgery is basically the only way to treat this. If it helps there does seem to be a biological basis for this rather than only a mental one; Is There Something Unique about the Transgender Brain? - Scientific American

Trans* people have been found to have brainscans that align with the gender they believe they are. In this case it would seem that the body is at fault, not the mind.
But what about when they conflict, say a male bodied student who identifies as female wanting to use a female space and girls who aren’t comfortable?
Having worked in a school with trans* students we supplied gender neutral restrooms. They were in the office near the sickbay. They were also allowed access to the disabled restroom.

Another school I worked at had only gender neutral restrooms as they didn’t have toilet blocks, these actually worked far better (we didn’t need to bust groups in them smoking or fighting).
Its a good solution but what if that wasn’t good enough? What if the student wanted to be treated equally to girls because that was how he saw himself.

This actually happened over here, google Lily Madigan.
Its a good solution but what if that wasn’t good enough? What if the student wanted to be treated equally to girls because that was how he saw himself.

This actually happened over here, google Lily Madigan.
Then the school should work with the student and their year group to find an acceptable answer. I just googled the Lily Madigan incident and while I don’t know the full details the school refused to use her name, instead using her birth name, and forced her to wear the male uniform; it doesn’t look like they worked with her at all. I suspect had they worked with her a solution to the bathroom situation could have been found.
The person with dual genitalia must be addressed as a medical condition. If the brain does not align with the genitalia, the problem is in the brain. The real answer lies in teachers not teaching children about gender. Most of the children in this country are not prepared for anything but more school by the time they leave and a lot of them aren’t even prepared for that.

What you’re claiming goes against physical science and the Catholic Church.
What’s being taught is opinion based on feelings rather than facts. Also the evidence regarding the brain it’s not conclusive as the scientist who research it will tell you.
I have enough compassion for the torture these people endure that I will not stand by and watch the General Public encourage the disorder by claiming the the delusion is reality.
Brain conditioning is still a vague research project. As are most forms of brain research. It certainly isn’t established enough to justify telling a 5 year old boy that he is a girl because he is confused about it.
Our culture has come to a point where body mutilation is offered along with braces on your teeth. No matter how politically correct, this is wrong.
But what if there isn’t one, if the boy wants to change with the girl’s and the girl’s don’t want him there then someone has to lose out.

Personally the uniform and name didn’t bother me, just the entitlement to female space.
You seem to be avoiding my question? I don’t mean to be mean about it and perhaps it’s a confusing question? I’ll try to clarify.

A person who is intersex does not necessarily have “dual genitalia”. Often they simply have ambiguous genitalia, or internal male genitalia, or a different mix of chromosomes, or a different way of absorbing hormones. So, if a woman who is intersex; but who identifies as a woman and has XX chromosomes, has a penis due to their intersex condition what is it except a woman’s penis? She is a woman, it is her penis.

I’m not sure if you read the article I gave you but it shows that the problem is a biological problem in the brain, not a mental one. And it is not something that can be fixed via brain surgery. So this leaves the body at fault in a manner that can be fixed.

I’m not sure how this goes against physical science, it seems to be in line with it and I have provided an article to help 🙂 There are still more studies on going.

Also, a misunderstanding; very specifically people don’t “tell” children what gender they are when they may have a case of gender dysphoria. That goes against all codes of practice in the profession. Nor are children offered surgery (at least not in Australia, the US or the UK).

Finally; children have always been taught about gender.
I don’t want children getting naked in front of anyone. I have never understood the shared locker room. In our modern society, we have sexualized every relationship and so it is dangerous to put children in an atmosphere were they all strip together. It isn’t innocent. It has never been innocent. I suggest everyone keep their clothes on. As to the bathrooms, if you’re uncomfortable sharing a bathroom with other people, then a private bathroom should be made available. Personally I’ve grown out of the habit of using public restrooms. On the occasion when it’s necessary, I use a stall.

A young boy or girl with body dysmorphic disorder, who is uncomfortable with those of the same gender, needs to be addressed as having a mental health need. Then School must decide what will answer that mental health issue according to the disabilities Act. Schools are not in the position to address mental illness. They can accommodate only so much. The individual rarely outweighs the needs of the community.
If my kids were uncomfortable I would explain to them that they need to be tolerant and kind because the child is suffering from a mental illness. I would ask them to pray and as long as the child was doing nothing inappropriate in the bathroom, to accept it.
From what I have seen about this case it seems like it was the school board, not the students, who raised the issue. The school was blatantly ignoring that girl’s rights by using her old name and forcing her into the male uniform. Again; it doesn’t seem like they attempted any concession such as access to one of the neutral bathrooms (most schools have a disabled bathroom that would work).

People make a fuss about these things but every time, and it’s been a few times now, I’ve actually had to work with people to find a solution it has been super easy. A little respect (such as calling Lily a girl rather than a boy when referring to her) and an attempt to work together does wonders.
Internal genitalia means dual genitalia. The majority of transgenders have nothing in their physical makeup that declares they are the opposite sex. The cases you talk about are usually addressed in these modern times at Birth. This is a birth defect not a way of being.
If we are relying on science, there’s a specific definition of what determines gender and as of now, it lies in the chromosomes.
The case just reeked of male entitlment to me. I would rather teach young men to be respectful of women and not just stamp their feet to get what they want.
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