Parishioners disrupt mass to voice concerns

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I think most parishioners, even if they have some ideological difference with the pastor, know that they should have a meeting with him outside of Mass time, not barge in on a Mass.
I feel for all the other parishioners, who are probably in the majority
Based on the videos, you are right. It looks like maybe 10 at most.

They are trying to make up for small numbers by being loud and crass.
The fact that they interrupted mass gives insight to the level of their catechesis
I looked at the article on Oregonian about this whole business, which is really protester-friendly to the point where “Got Religion?” wrote a thoughtful piece critiquing it. Especially the race and immigration ironies, which the Oregonian completely overlooked.

I was happy to see the article comments were very heavily supportive of the priest. I’m sure a lot of them are coming from outside Portland, since the news platform used allows people from a lot of different regions to comment, but still good to see encouragement for this priest.
That GetReligion blog is pretty good as it’s written by a reporter who covered religion for Scripps-Howard News Service. It also comes up close to the top in Google searches.
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Well hopefully their culpability is lessened by decades of ignorance and 1970s style brainwashing. Remember… clergy and religious bashed people over the heads with these attitudes back then…
What a downright shame to see this happen. My heartbroke for the young mother holding her child. DIdn’t see any other young families there in that video, and it appears they only have a 9:30 AM Mass and 7:00 PM Mass each Sunday, per its website. As a young father myself, my guess is that all the other young families within the boundaries of the parish moved on a long time ago.

Apparently, they had a grade school that closed some years ago. I cannot say I’m surprised given the response from these aging parishioners. In any case, I thought this would be interesting to share from an article on this by Catholic News Agency:
Tom Hogan, a 76-year-old parishioner of St. Francis and one of the few remaining parishioners who attended its grade school, told The Oregonian that many of the liturgical deviations at the parish were instituted by former pastor Fr. Donald Durand.

Durand’s priestly faculties were withdrawn shortly after his retirement from active ministry in 2001. He has been accused of molesting more than a dozen preteen and teenage boys, some of whom were students at St. Francis Assisi School, and numerous lawsuits against him have reportedly been settled.

Durand was pastor at St. Francis from 1970 until 1983. He has denied all allegations of misconduct.
Again, I am not surprised that Durand was the one who inserted the “inclusive” language. To have the audacity to change the words of Sacred Scripture during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass… that is something that is simply appalling. And then for the congregation to get angry when the priest tries to steer the ship right? How sad. Praise God the Archbishop has the pastor’s back. May these aging parishioners become docile to the Holy Spirit instead of storming the parish doors during Holy Mass.
From original article: “I don’t know anyone that would come to a parish and go to the vestment closet and take all the vestments, still on hangers, and throw them into a trailer without somebody of authority having instructed them to do so,”

The priest is the “somebody of authority.”

“How can you be a priest?” she asks. “I’ve been here over 15 years. You’ve been here a year.”

What, attending a parish for 15 years can make a woman a priest?
Sounds to me after reading all the articles that a Jezebel Spirit is at play in this Parish.
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