Passing gas on first date?

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I strongly suggest that if you are not interested, you don’t occupy his time or get yours burnt down.

And from experience I can tell you being expect to read a girl’s mind is not what a guy likes. Also from experience I can tell you he isn’t going to improve if he’s allowed to get away with things.

You may be falling victim of some morbid curiosity. On the one hand, the man doesn’t interest you and you’re put off by his behaviour. On the other hand, you still go with him and you wonder if you shouldn’t take part in the behaviour you dislike. Watch it, or something bad could happen. 😉
Uh-oh, now you’ve got yourself in a pickle since you agreed to a second date. Did you not bring it up because you didn’t want to broach the subject, or because you were just talking about so many other things?

Still, waving a fart in a woman’s face isn’t normal first-date behavior. Maybe if there is a next time, tell him you’re a little confused about what kind of behavior you can expect from him. Something like, “I know we’ve just gotten together a couple times very casually, but I have to be honest with you. I don’t want to write you off over something that might have been a completely random slip out of embarassment, but I’m really just not sure a guy who waves a fart in a woman’s face is the type of man I want to be in a relationship with. If that’s the type of humor you enjoy, then I think we’re better off parting ways now.”

One thing is for sure, if it was “natural” enough to “slip out” on a first date without making him turn all shades of red, it WILL happen again.
I saw HIM at church on Sat. night Mass. He asked if we could get some coffee after Mass. Me, being the pushover, the nonassertive type, agreed begrudgingly. I asked if we could just go to the Starbucks. He agreed. So here we are sipping our espressos and the Fart NEVER came up in conversation!:eek: How is this possible? The whole week I had been thinking about “The incident”. And he never brought it up. He seemed very nonchilant, never discussing or aluding to the FART. So I was purplexed, should I have let one rip to make him feel more comfortable? What a stupid thought, but it did go through my head. The coffee date was ok, maybe he is not that big of a dork. I wonder if he will ever pull the fart thing again :eek: . I sure hope not. I will let you know what happens with the Farter man!:eek:
I have to tell you a story which pains me greatly (two years after the fact). My hubby and I were at a parish fundraising ball, the kind with all the lovely long dresses and wonderful hairdo’s. I had spent soooo much time getting ready, had a lovely dress, done my makeup (I am neither a dress nor makeup person, so it takes me awhile). Anyhoo, my hubby and I were outside the main ballroom on the patio having a cigarette, and chatting with THREE…COUNT THAT, THREE of our priests. I don’t know if it was nerves associated with the event, a distinct desire to be “proper”, or whatever…but I foofied! Not quietly, either (much to my mortification). Thank God that our priests are indeed gentlemen. They’ve never made mention of it, nor acknowledged it at the time (and they’re BOYS!). I truly believe that is a hallmark of grace…to be able to “ignore” a situation in which the offending party is sooooo horrified that they would just die if it was brought up. Be kind…assume the best…just because he’s a guy doesn’t mean he wasn’t bothered. My hubby told me “Honey, if that had been me…I don’t know if I could show my face!”. Me: “Thanks dear…for bringing that up”. Oh the horror!
I saw HIM at church on Sat. night Mass. He asked if we could get some coffee after Mass. Me, being the pushover, the nonassertive type, agreed begrudgingly. I asked if we could just go to the Starbucks. He agreed. So here we are sipping our espressos and the Fart NEVER came up in conversation!:eek: How is this possible? The whole week I had been thinking about “The incident”. And he never brought it up. He seemed very nonchilant, never discussing or aluding to the FART. So I was purplexed, should I have let one rip to make him feel more comfortable? What a stupid thought, but it did go through my head. The coffee date was ok, maybe he is not that big of a dork. I wonder if he will ever pull the fart thing again :eek: . I sure hope not. I will let you know what happens with the Farter man!:eek:
It is hard to bring the incident up again because he could be very embarrassed about that.

When don’t you just let go of this incident and focus more about other characters of his.

Also, calling him by name “Farter man” is not nice thing to say. I don’t think he will be happy to hear what you call him.

Maybe you two shouldn’t be getting know each other.
Also, calling him by name “Farter man” is not nice thing to say. I don’t think he will be happy to hear what you call him.

Maybe you two shouldn’t be getting know each other.
I second that. Sometimes people stick together despite calling each other names and having some animosities, but I would be extremely cautious about anything remotely resembling an unhealthy dependancy.

Be assertive, Litllulu. You don’t owe any guy a date and you don’t need to stick with what you have around right now. You will get to know guys who appeal to you more. You don’t seem to be in the marrying age right now anyway, so it’s no big loss if some potentially promising guy doesn’t prove close to your expectations. Besides, even if you actually were to be single for a long time as an alternative, that would still be better. It’s better to be single than suffering from a bad relationship. I’m not taking guesses at your potential problems, just warning you against some things I’ve experienced or witnessed. Be yourself. Don’t change anything you don’t believe to need changing. Don’t pretend anything. Don’t put up with any behaviour you can’t accept. You must need to know when to compromise according to a healthy sense of well, common sense. But that’s it. Otherwise be assertive and grow your spine as you grow up, and you’ll be better off. 🙂

Good luck and you’re in my prayers.
I truly believe that is a hallmark of grace…to be able to “ignore” a situation in which the offending party is sooooo horrified that they would just die if it was brought up. Be kind…assume the best…just because he’s a guy doesn’t mean he wasn’t bothered. My hubby told me “Honey, if that had been me…I don’t know if I could show my face!”. Me: “Thanks dear…for bringing that up”. Oh the horror!
Yes, but the difference is that you were mortified and that guy found it funny and waved that foul air into a lady’s face. Come on. Not every man is a gentleman, but that was a bit much. I wouldn’t take that from a woman and I can take a lot - ignoring is fine and charitable but not when the other person is actually gloating about it. It’s that gloating which is a problem much more so that the thing that happened.
I saw HIM at church on Sat. night Mass. He asked if we could get some coffee after Mass. Me, being the pushover, the nonassertive type, agreed begrudgingly. I asked if we could just go to the Starbucks. He agreed. So here we are sipping our espressos and the Fart NEVER came up in conversation!:eek: How is this possible? The whole week I had been thinking about “The incident”. And he never brought it up. He seemed very nonchilant, never discussing or aluding to the FART. So I was purplexed, should I have let one rip to make him feel more comfortable? What a stupid thought, but it did go through my head. The coffee date was ok, maybe he is not that big of a dork. I wonder if he will ever pull the fart thing again :eek: . I sure hope not. I will let you know what happens with the Farter man!:eek:
Oh please don’t waste anymore of his time! You’re obviously far too immature to try to have a relationship if you’re going to focus on one little fart. I feel sorry for the man who ends up marrying you, he’ll have to have his own farting room or something just so he doesn’t cause you to become completely fixated on the fact that he does it! You make it sound like you never ever fart, or have never farted in public. I find that very hard to believe. Please let this guy know you’re not interested, so he can find someone who will respect him as a person and who is actually interested in him.
Oh please don’t waste anymore of his time! You’re obviously far too immature to try to have a relationship if you’re going to focus on one little fart. I feel sorry for the man who ends up marrying you, he’ll have to have his own farting room or something just so he doesn’t cause you to become completely fixated on the fact that he does it! You make it sound like you never ever fart, or have never farted in public. I find that very hard to believe. Please let this guy know you’re not interested, so he can find someone who will respect him as a person and who is actually interested in him.
Easy, easy. That sounds like a very harsh judgement and one that is not justified. Please allow me to point out that you are omitting the part where the guy waved the fart into the opening poster’s face. I urge you to consider that part and consider the difference between such behaviour and the normal behaviour of a well-behaved person in such a situation, which is apologising or at least pretending it didn’t happen and moving on. If you believe that it’s impossible to control farting in public, then you are in error. Unless you want to call me a liar as well. It appears to me that you don’t really want to consider the part about him respecting her and not the other way round, either. Waving a fart in a woman’s face is hugely disrespectful and nothing a gentleman would do. Ever. I oppose your judgement of the opening poster. I humbly accept in advance all the names I will be called for this.
Easy, easy. That sounds like a very harsh judgement and one that is not justified. Please allow me to point out that you are omitting the part where the guy waved the fart into the opening poster’s face. I urge you to consider that part and consider the difference between such behaviour and the normal behaviour of a well-behaved person in such a situation, which is apologising or at least pretending it didn’t happen and moving on. If you believe that it’s impossible to control farting in public, then you are in error. Unless you want to call me a liar as well. It appears to me that you don’t really want to consider the part about him respecting her and not the other way round, either. Waving a fart in a woman’s face is hugely disrespectful and nothing a gentleman would do. Ever. I oppose your judgement of the opening poster. I humbly accept in advance all the names I will be called for this.
Its the fact that she’s leading him on and wasting his time. Yes, what he did was in very bad taste. But her going out with him again just for her entertainment of the issue is just as bad. She’s obviously not interested and is wasting his time as well as her own. She’s just as bad as he is in doing this, so to me they are the same when it comes to respect for each other. Therefore, I don’t see why she just can’t drop it and find some other guy who is better suited for her.

And no, it is not always possible to hold in a fart. even if you most want too.

Also, I do want to apologize as my comment above was a little harsh. Having a badish day and trying not to take it out on others. I’ve decided to try to refrain from posting the rest of the day to avoid silly posts.
I’m sorry as well, Homewardbound. Looks like I took some things the wrong way.
I was trying to be nice by giving him the benefit of the doubt. I thought MAYBE I put too much judgement on the fart and not enough on the person! farterman, I was just trying to be funny!
I thought your siggy, Lulu, was relating to your first date with Mr. Fart. But when I read about your second date, I realized you must be talking about salvation after all :D!
There’s a story about a nobleman at the court of Queen Elizabeth 1 who bowed down to her and accidently let one go. Everyone including the queen burst into laughter.He was so embarassed at this that he left the court and spent many years in self imposed exile. Years later, he decided he would present himself at court again. He arrived at her throne and bowed low, whereupon the queen said in a loud voice :You are welcome, my lord, we have forgotten the fart":o
Haha, I doubt he did it on purpose . It probably just came out involuntary.

I feel bad for the guy he must of been so humilated.
Yeah, definitely, but did you read to the part about how he reacted? 😉 I would hate to judge him, but the behaviour itself tells volumes about the pleasures of the future.
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