Pat Robertson: What is your opinon of him???

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Time for another poll… Anyone have an opinion of this guy? 🙂
He is his own favorite fan. I have little use for televangelist, they make themselves their own spiritual authority.
He’s just like the rest of them, so fakey. Especially, when he “sees” people with different ailments, and infers that he is at least partially responsible for their “cure”. People like him make a mockery of the Christian faith.
Not a charlatan (he’s sincere), but he is dangerous. He once suggested it would be sensible to use a nuclear weapon to destroy Foggy Bottom (site of the State Department). He may have meant it as a joke out of his exasperation that the State Department was not blindly following a pro-Israel foreign policy. Unfortunately there are plenty of people who are open to this kind of suggestion and willing to act if you put the idea into their head.
Pat Robertson is very pro-life and is a big supporter of Bush and the Christian movement to stop abortion and gay marriages.

If all catholics took as much action on the beliefs of the church like abortion as he has, there would be no abortion in this country. We who have the fullness of the faith need to pray for Christians like Pat. That like the apostle Paul, he could recieve a masive revelation of the true church and bring many with him. Critisizing him in his ignorance in how to best serve God only distracts us from what we personally should do to help him be an acurate and powerful asset- PRAYER!!!
If all catholics took as much action on the beliefs of the church like abortion as he has, there would be no abortion in this country. We who have the fullness of the faith need to pray for Christians like Pat. That like the apostle Paul, he could recieve a masive revelation of the true church and bring many with him. Critisizing him in his ignorance in how to best serve God only distracts us from what we personally should do to help him be an acurate and powerful asset- PRAYER!!!
Bearing no disrespect to your position, but you can’t be around the evangelical circles as long as Pat Robertson has and still be considered “ignorant”. Mass revelation of the true church? The only revelation of the true church was given to the Apostles by Jesus Christ personally. Any other “vision” of the true church that conflicts with it is wrong. If Pat, Billy Graham, Robert Schuller, James Kennedy, or Benny Hinn bring anyone anywhere other than the Catholic Church, they are bringing them down the wrong path, because the path they will bring them down will NOT contain the fullness of the Gospel. That can ONLY be found in in the church, founded on Peter the Rock, the Catholic Church, the pillar and foundation of Truth.
I voted against him, because the Protestant Church denies good works.They repent with the mouth only,not with the life. They think that God pays no attention to man’s behavior, and that faith alone is all that is needed,without works

I believe him to be sincere and of good moral fiber in lack of evidence to the contrary (everyone is entitled to their good name). Obviously he is lacking in the truth to the extent that he departs from the deposit of faith Jesus left with His Church.
The last time the Pope came to America I happened to be watching the 700 Club…something I rarely watch. They showed the footage of the Pope’s arrival and Pat turned to the camera with a smile and said something to the effect of “We’re very happy to have the Pope here!” :eek:

I was quite surprised to say the least.

dream wanderer
He’s got a very sincere faith. I admire him for that. But I really don’t agree with his theology. Personally, I like Billy Graham better. I grew up as a protestant and am still on the path to Rome but I remember Billy Graham kindly. He seemed very kind, but also a great speaker who wasn’t afraid of being firm when he felt it was needed.

I wonder if he would ever consider joining the Catholic Church?
I know that I will be praying on his behalf. Even though he’s a protestant and doesn’t preach the fullness of the gospel as we know it, God has managed to do many good works through his ministry. Isn’t God wonderous?

That said, God has still helped many through Pat Robertson too. Truly, God is wonderful. 🙂
He’s ok…his theology needs to be taken with a wink and a nod…he does respect the Pope…and I hate to say this…his show does a much better job than The World Over on EWTN when it comes to showing how Christians are persecuted all over the world…and how our Govt looks the other way on MANY things. IF the Catholic Church wasnt so busy with “pseudo ecumenisim”, and was about the businnes of God and calling this war what it is…a RELIGIOUS ONE, maybe more people and especially Catholics would be fired up spiritually.
Staunch conservative…

Like others, he feels if you don’t believe and think like him, your either ignorant or doomed… most likely both… 👍
Quote from apoligia100:
Bearing no disrespect to your position, but you can’t be around the evangelical circles as long as Pat Robertson has and still be considered “ignorant”.

I agree he is not completely ignorant. I should clarify. He is ignorant of the truth of the catholic church. He like most passionate evangelical types only know what they know. Most of which is hearsay. Everything is checked against The “Me God and my bible” filter screen. This is their only tool for finding “truth”. That makes one “criple”. Think for a minute what kind of christian you would be if you did not have the church. All you had was the bible and a few other believers with the same disability. Its like some one in a wheel chair trying to snow ski. Sure it can be done, but someone with working legs will out peform them with less practice. Pat only sees others in wheel chairs like him. He has never expierenced having “legs” "the power of the sacraments, the security of the authority of the church… So when we look down of these type of people. Its like making fun of someone in a wheel chair cause they cant ski or dance. The reason it is so difficult for us catholics is cause zealous evangelicals are blind to their disability! We have got the power to show true love and humility (legs) to these floks if we cry out to God for it!
True…but I dont take any responsibility for him not knowing the truth…like ME…Robertson is a grown man…fully capable of reading, investigating, and coming to the TRUTH of his own accord…but I think he has chosen to PURPOSLEY “spiritually blind” himself to any further investigations of the truth…why? He has an EMPIRE that he has built, and face it…its much easier to be intellectually lazy then perform such a VAST turnaround in faith and jeopordize what he has built. I aint saying he is evil for this…its just an opinion of mine…I do believe he does much good.
He’s got a very sincere faith. I admire him for that. But I really don’t agree with his theology. Personally, I like Billy Graham better. I grew up as a protestant and am still on the path to Rome but I remember Billy Graham kindly. He seemed very kind, but also a great speaker who wasn’t afraid of being firm when he felt it was needed.

I wonder if he would ever consider joining the Catholic Church?
I know that I will be praying on his behalf. Even though he’s a protestant and doesn’t preach the fullness of the gospel as we know it, God has managed to do many good works through his ministry. Isn’t God wonderous?

That said, God has still helped many through Pat Robertson too. Truly, God is wonderful. 🙂
I have to agree with you… Billy Graham is cut from a different cloth than the Robertsons and Schullers; he is an authentic and humble God-fearing believer. Unfortunately, his health is not presently very good. I recently listened to a presentation from a Christian writer who has spent a lot of time with Graham over the years and found his recollections and observations of the man to be inspiring. It is a shame he’s not a Catholic, but I would agree that Billy Graham has much more class than the rest of 'em.
Graham would have made an AWSOME Catholic priest… I hope he gets a higher place in heaven than the Catholic Andrew Greeleys’ of the world…if those of Greeleys ilk ever make it to heaven.
Good Afternoon Church

I have always liked Pat Robertson. I don’t always agree with his theology but I think he is a great man of God who has used the media to further the work of God the best he can according to his understanding.
Wouldn’t be wonderful if we could see him through God eyes instead of our own.:whistle:
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