Pat Robertson: What is your opinon of him???

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Maybe we can get a complete set of Fr Corapi’s Lectures on the Cathecism to him.

It might help if he gets some honest Christianity and he can see what a real preacher sounds like
Hi all,

There was an article a few years ago in a local NY paper about the longtime doorman of the Plaza Hotel. They asked him about some of the famous people who passed through his doors. He mentioned three.

Jackie Gleason - great tipper ($50 a shot) but didn’t say much
Jimmy Carter - talked at length about peanut farming
Pat Robertson - prayed for him on the spot

Gene C.
Speaking of sins. I just e-mailed a fundametalist and he siad that there is no degree of sins. Gossiping is the same as Murder in God’s Eyes. This guy’s name is Bill Keller of LivePrayer. Anyone heard of it??

Just a friendly word of encouragement for you. Appologetics is the defence of the faith. The general idea is to be used by the Holy Spirit to bring people INTO faith, not drive them from it. I would encourge you to re-read this thread and others in this forum.

Some of you make great Catholic Jack Chicks.
I’d always thought of him as being a bit off the deep end and a nickel version of Billy Graham. However as several have pointed out, he has helped mobilize the evangelists with regard to Christian persecution and pro life causes. So there is some good with the bad.

Recently he was on BookTV regarding “Where the Right Went Wrong” and quite honestly I liked a lot of what he said POLITICALLY…not sure about the theology part but that wasn’t brought up in the interview.

Lisa N
None of the answers in the poll fit my thoughts–I think he is doing the best he can as an unordained “coach” with a very limited playbook (i.e., the Bible minus the Apochara [sp?]), no Tradition, only two Sacraments–its like watching a high school team running the option in the Super Bowl. You know they are trying their hardest, but it can be painful to see.

I don’t think he is evil, but clearly his theology is often misguided or even wrong-headed which logically leads him into both minor and grave errors.

But I do think he is trying to help his fellow man and that has to count for something. Of course, he subbornly refuses to become Catholic and it might be hard to argue that he is invincibly ignorant. Let us pray that he can see the Church for She truly is and come into her fold.
space ghost:
Staunch conservative…

Like others, he feels if you don’t believe and think like him, your either ignorant or doomed… most likely both… 👍
Better than being a liberal whose only idea of morality is the kind that they make up in thier heads ie. NONE.
Personally I like him, but I don’t trust everything he says. I’m glad he’s around but he could be a lot better.

One thing that really disappointed me:

They did a great show on post-abortive healing/redemption, and how awful abortion is. Then, on the same show, Pat made a shameless plug for Quaker Oatmeal.

**Hmmm…great job Pat. If you’d actually read anything about the Quaker company you’d know they SUPPORT PLANNED PARENTHOOD and give them huge donations!!! Not only that, the man designated by President Clinton to examine CIA files found out that at one point Quaker oats was putting RADIOACTIVE ELEMENTS in thier food in order to track thier customers. Sounds bizarre but it actually happened. **
Quote from apoligia100:
Bearing no disrespect to your position, but you can’t be around the evangelical circles as long as Pat Robertson has and still be considered “ignorant”.

I agree he is not completely ignorant. I should clarify. He is ignorant of the truth of the catholic church. He like most passionate evangelical types only know what they know. Most of which is hearsay. Everything is checked against The “Me God and my bible” filter screen. This is their only tool for finding “truth”. That makes one “criple”. Think for a minute what kind of christian you would be if you did not have the church. All you had was the bible and a few other believers with the same disability. Its like some one in a wheel chair trying to snow ski. Sure it can be done, but someone with working legs will out peform them with less practice. Pat only sees others in wheel chairs like him. He has never expierenced having “legs” "the power of the sacraments, the security of the authority of the church… So when we look down of these type of people. Its like making fun of someone in a wheel chair cause they cant ski or dance. The reason it is so difficult for us catholics is cause zealous evangelicals are blind to their disability! We have got the power to show true love and humility (legs) to these floks if we cry out to God for it!
Have I looked in the mirror to see the log in my eye before I criticize someone like Pat R.? This person has done tremendous job in helping unfortunate people around the world with his operation blessing. I’m a cheerful contributor for his cause because the Holy Spirit wants me to. The Holy Spirit has touched this person for there is no respect of person with God, whether one is a Catholic, protestant or what not. God bless.
Personally I like him, but I don’t trust everything he says. I’m glad he’s around but he could be a lot better.

One thing that really disappointed me:

They did a great show on post-abortive healing/redemption, and how awful abortion is. Then, on the same show, Pat made a shameless plug for Quaker Oatmeal.

**Hmmm…great job Pat. If you’d actually read anything about the Quaker company you’d know they SUPPORT PLANNED PARENTHOOD and give them huge donations!!! Not only that, the man designated by President Clinton to examine CIA files found out that at one point Quaker oats was putting RADIOACTIVE ELEMENTS in thier food in order to track thier customers. Sounds bizarre but it actually happened. **
4Life, are you sure? This is a big concern. How are they tracking their customers, from unmarked black helicopters with highly sensitive Geiger counters? If so, how do they track them during the day, Chem trails? Did they put different Isotopes in each box so that each consumer had a different radioactive signature so that they could identify everyone from 50,000 feet? Were they concerned that a majority of people in Boston might be switching to Grits?

And what information was Clinton after; was someone about to out Hillary as a highly secret CIA opperative? Was he trying to locate a Tylenol factory in Afganistan? This needs to be researched by the FBI before it gets out of hand.
Outrageous, bu tnot what was implied in the post. Gald you guys found that article. I’m not that good with computers.

However, maybe GRITS are better. I’m gunna buy a Cracker Barrel.
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