We had a snow day today, and I was watching some local access on the telly (you know, local programmes). I realised during the course of it that we really need to change parishes.
I saw a Protestant service, but you could not tell it from Mass at our parish excepting that the “worship leader” was not in a chasuble, but doctoral robes. He had a fake stole on (as most Protestants do…thus it annoys me when our priests wear the stole above the chasuble). Also, the “Lord’s Supper” was invalid, obviously.
Beyond this, however, I was apalled at how indistinguishable it was from Mass. I am a Catholic, not a Protestant! If I wanted to be a heretic, I would go to a heretic church, but I want to be Catholic, and so I want to go to a Catholic church and feel Catholic!
Protestant heresy is beginning to infiltrate. If we do not act
now our beloved Holy Roman Church will be lost for ever to those whom the Devil has mislead!