Pay By Scanning Your Hand

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You care to explain this further on how technology will spell our doom?
Evangelicals will refer to Revelation 13:16-18
“Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number, its number is six hundred and sixty-six.”

Here is the technology they refer to:

Exactly, which is why we should be careful about new technologies and think through the possible downsides of each new advance. Sometimes the downside can outweigh the upside.
I remember hearing that one company one having problems with some of its employees having their hands scanned based on that Revelation verse :rolleyes:

Their solution was to scan the left hand…problem solved

Literalism cuts both ways apparently 😉

Through technology, humans now have the ability to make the book of Revelations come true. God will not even have to send the horror upon us, we will do it to ourselves, and we have those wonderful abilities as a result of ever increasing technological capacity. Walk carefully when you raise science and technology to a near god-liek level.
Evangelicals will refer to Revelation 13:16-18
“Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let him who has understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number, its number is six hundred and sixty-six.”

Here is the technology they refer to:
The mark of the beast will transcend time, i.e. it is something that could easily be used 4000 years ago or today, like a tatoo or branding.

Through technology, humans now have the ability to make the book of Revelations come true. God will not even have to send the horror upon us, we will do it to ourselves, and we have those wonderful abilities as a result of ever increasing technological capacity. Walk carefully when you raise science and technology to a near god-liek level.
Through technology humans have eased suffering, cured disease, ended famines, housed the masses

Sounds like the corporeal works of mercy writ large to me

PS I don’t worship my refrigerator (or Mr. Carrier for that matter) But I thank God that it was invented so that my food doesn’t spoil and the bounty of the earth isn’t wasted.

I’m also thankful for that nice nuke plant that keeps the refrigerator going
The problem with this kind of thing is that once someone steals your fingerprint, it’s very difficult to do anything about it. You can’t change your fingerprint like you can change account numbers, PINs, etc. Someone steals your fingerprint, you’re S.O.L. for life.

I recall reading somewhere of how someone figured out how to fool this kind of technology using an impression of someone’s finger left on a Gummy Bear.

I haev conceded that technology properly used is a good thing. Can you at least concede that technology is often misused?
There are some Evan/Fundies that believe the Revelation mark of the Beast is the Sign of the Cross Catholics make with their RIGHT hand on their FOREHEAD. :rolleyes:

So, it doesn’t have to be a literal mark… or does it? What is the preterist view on the mark?
I’d much rather see them make use of the technology that I use to get into work every day: magnetic key cards. You just move the card within ~ 6 inches of the sensor and it unlocks the door. Just put the credit card/checking account info on it and there ya go. The tickets for the next World Cup in Germany in 06 will be using a similar technology. Just wave the ticket by the sensor and you’re in; that way nobody can counterfeit and if you lose it/get it stolen you can report it and get another one and the original would be blocked from access into the stadium. It is also intended to prevent scalping as they can block your ticket if they know you sold it and your name is printed on the ticket and ID’s are checked at the gate(personal info is not kept on the chip in the ticket). Anyway, I’d like to see them use similar technology that’d allow me to pay via credit card by running my keychain past a sensor at the register as I avoid paying with cash if i can. That way if someone robs me, they can take that instead of my thumb.
This is what I would be afraid of. Get rid of cards, then people start copying people’s fingerprints.

I love technology…but it can be misused. There are many web sites out there that claim they will sell driver’s license history, credit history, etc., and I see these links when searching for someone’s phone number. That’s scary to me that all my info is potentially “out there.”

Another thought, wouldn’t this bring us that much closer to having a fingerprint database, which so many have fought against for privacy reasons?

Worse yet, couldn’t someone steal my fingerprint and strategically place it at a crime scene?

Hmmm…other paranoid ideas??
This is what I would be afraid of. Get rid of cards, then people start copying people’s fingerprints.

I love technology…but it can be misused. There are many web sites out there that claim they will sell driver’s license history, credit history, etc., and I see these links when searching for someone’s phone number. That’s scary to me that all my info is potentially “out there.”

Another thought, wouldn’t this bring us that much closer to having a fingerprint database, which so many have fought against for privacy reasons?

Worse yet, couldn’t someone steal my fingerprint and strategically place it at a crime scene?

Hmmm…other paranoid ideas??
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