Who’s to take care of the wife and child of the priest if they get divorced? Protestant ministers have a 50% divorce rate.
I stopped reading after this. How many times do we have to explain that clerical celibacy doesn’t have anything to do with it?it is time (it’s been time) to end the rule of celibacy within the Church.
So what’s the solution? More prayer? More fasting? Wishing it away? Thinking really hard? These things do. not. work. Period.the whole scandal has nothing to do with celibacy
it is about satan’s legions creeping into the hearts & minds of priests/seminarians
they start cooperating with the evil one, perform evil acts; thereby becoming evil people
wake up & smell the coffee
satan and his legions are on the offensive
they will capture single, straight, gay, married, celibate and turn them into machines of destruction
it matters not
satan doesn’t care
capture, conquer & divide…
What research has found is that those who are abused make up a larger percentage of abusers than those who were not abused. That does not necessarily mean that all who were abused have urges to abuse others.its not fallacy
Sincerely, how would it end “clericalism”?Again, I’m not so convinced we should end the mandate simply because of the abuse scandals. BUT ending mandated celibacy in the Roman church could help with many other things, including: (1) promoting vocations and (2) ending clericalism.
You are wrong and what you are saying re-traumatizes victims and can make children more vulnerable to predators. You are repeating aits not fallacy, most people who were abused have the urges to do the same to others even if they just hide it or control the demonic impulses
Again, I didn’t say it was.again celibacy is not the problem