Pentagon swamp gets drained. CIA & FBI swamp draining next?

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When Biden undoes Trump’s peace initiatives and involves us in another war, don’t come here crying.

CIA and FBI have been resisting Trump’s calls for declassification of all Russiagate material. What we’ve seen so far has exposed the hoax that it was all along. What we now need to see is the perpetrators caught in the crimes they were plotting. So it’s long past time for a change of leadership. Brennan, in particular, has been extremely indignant. Probably because he knows the declassification will expose his nefarious role?
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Yes i think President Trump has been absolutely brilliant with his anti war Presidency and that is at risk post Trump.
I think Trump has harmed US national security by his messing with the intelligence agencies.

" President Trump called the intelligence chiefs who served under Barack Obama “dirty cops” and “sleazebags,” while he has continued to feud with the agencies and his own appointed directors. He bristled at their conclusion that Russia interfered in the 2016 election in support of his campaign and tried to do the same in 2020. At a 2018 Helsinki summit, he said Russian President Vladimir Putin told him “it’s not Russia.” When intelligence officials testified counter to his views on Iran and North Korea, Trump tweeted they were “extremely passive and naive.” He added, “Perhaps Intelligence should go back to school!” In 2019, he called the FBI “badly broken”; this year, he said the FBI was letting members of the far-left antifa movement “get away with ‘murder.’”

Unsatisfied with his own appointed director of national intelligence, Daniel Coats, Trump nominated a replacement in 2019, John Ratcliffe, saying “the intelligence agencies have run amok.” This fall, Ratcliffe said that, at Trump’s request, he was declassifying documents related to the 2016 campaign — which Trump quickly used to press his false case that the Democrats were responsible for the Russia probe. Trump tweeted that he has authorized declassifying all documents to expose “the single greatest political CRIME in American History, the Russia Hoax.” Now his lawyers are fighting to keep the documents from being released. In September, when his appointed FBI director, Christopher A. Wray, told Congress that the Russians were at it again — while downplaying the threat of ballot fraud and antifa — Trump told reporters, “I did not like his answers.”

“When you pound the Justice Department and pound the intelligence community as being corrupt, incompetent, making up stories about what they do, it’s enormously demoralizing for those institutions,” says Jack Goldsmith, the former Justice Department official. “It reduces the legitimacy of those institutions in the eyes of the country.”"
This type of draining is known as a purge, . . .
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This type of draining is known as a purge, something Stalin was particularly known for, though it reduced his military effectiveness.
So if Biden removes all of Trumps picks will you also implicitly link Biden to Stalin?
No. That would be different. Every president set his own administration. Sorry if you do not like me calling this a purge. I do not like my country’s military being called a swamp. It is an insult to our leaders who serve the country over political partisanship.

Yes, Biden could do something petty like a purge. I doubt it. He is mature adult.
Yes, I suppose Stalin did ‘drain some swamps’ in his time. It makes for chilling reading, and still perplexes historians as to what his objective was.
I think maybe Trump’s goodness is what really prevents him from shooting government people he doesn’t like. The same as most of us i would hope. The idea that President Trump is a Stalin in waiting is not borne out at all by his presidential record. Much the opposite i would say.
And it rather backfired on him, as it usually does when some sycophant wants only those around him to tell him what he wants to here. His military was drained of leadership at the onset of WW2.
Not only the military but also the secret police, intelligence service, foreign service and science and engineering academies. No one was safe, or off limits. The Western governments watching this happen couldn’t figure out why he was creating such a bloodbath, but given that they opposed the communist revolution they weren’t necessarily rushing to object to it either.
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He was definitely paranoid. In Stephen Kotkin’s multi-volume biography of Stalin, however, he attempts to explain the purges as an effort by Stalin to get younger, more malleable people into those technocratic positions; he knew that no matter how competent or loyal the people killed in the purges were, they were ultimately replaceable.

I think it was an aspect of his statecraft and a way to increase his power by terrifying everyone working under him. But even that doesn’t seem to encompass the madness of it.
There is no requirement to concede a race. Even if he were to concede, and it were later be determined that actually won, he would still be the winner. Concession makes for good press, nothing more.
I just think it shows his utter contempt for democratic norms and processes, and by extension for the voting public of the United States. So yeah, not unlike a dictator.
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It was one of the most secure elections ever conducted. Given that all of the lawsuits the Trump campaign lodged have been dismissed due to lack of evidence, it’s hard to believe any controversy about the election was not manufactured by one side to thwart the will of the voters.
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Concession makes for good press, nothing more.
It also makes for a smoother transition process. As opposed to preventing the President-elect’s team from working with existing personnel on a pandemic that has already killed 246,000+. And preventing the President-Elect from receiving national security briefings.
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