"People shouldn't force their belief on others"

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My response is “And you have a right to tell me how to behave?”
My response is “And you have a right to tell me how to behave?”
I believe that everyone has an obligation to tell another person if they are acting or doing something that will/could harm them or another. To stand by and watch as car after car drives onto a washed out road, and not attempt to do something to warn them would itself be immoral.
My response is “And you have a right to tell me how to behave?”
If we truly believe in God, we will strive to obey his commands and to do his will. One of the things Jesus told his followers to do before he returned to his father, was to preach the Gospel and the Kingdom of Heaven to the whole world.This is part of our Christianity and our Catholicism. All we can do is to put his words before you; it is still up to the listener to accept or reject the word of God. We are not telling you how to behave. If you accept the words of Jesus, and wish to follow him, your behaviour will change.

The one with the right to tell you how to behave is your Creator who we all have to face one day. He gave us the commandments and sent us his Son; even so, it is still your choice how you behave.

Think of it as giving advice or help, which you can reject as you wish. Also, the comment, “…and you have a right to tell me how to behave?” is quite an aggressive response and makes things very personal. If anyone gives you unwelcome advice, all you have to do is to thank them politely for their interest in your welfare, and tell them that you do not wish to discuss it. Rudeness is totally uncalled for!! Its like the juvenile response of a teenager to unwanted advice, so act more graciously!!!
You all took my comment the wrong way.

I have had many people say, “You have no right to force your beliefs on me” mostly becuase I say they can sit there like a lump while I go to Mass. And they get all defensive if I wear a medal or have a catholic poster or even use free wireless to go on catholic sites. If I have a palm in my car or if I use the back of a bullitin to copy down information for them.

ergo, “You have no right to tell me how to behave”. That usually shuts them up. Guess what bucko, the street goes both ways.
You all took my comment the wrong way.

I have had many people say, “You have no right to force your beliefs on me” mostly becuase I say they can sit there like a lump while I go to Mass. And they get all defensive if I wear a medal or have a catholic poster or even use free wireless to go on catholic sites. If I have a palm in my car or if I use the back of a bullitin to copy down information for them.

ergo, “You have no right to tell me how to behave”. That usually shuts them up. Guess what bucko, the street goes both ways.
Still doesn’t seem particularly courteous. There is no point in putting people’s backs up. You have a right to behave as you wish. However, we all should strive to behave in the way our saviour taught us. So lets have some civility and talk, rather than be rude or aggressive. Thanks for your explanation.
I hear this alot.
And I don’t get it.
If a person really and truly thinks that my actions will ETERNALLY separate me from all that is good and beautiful, and that person really and truly loves me, then they SHOULD be trying to convert me, right?
I certainly wouldn’t want any of my loved ones to end up in eternal damnation.
Furthermore, how is a JW knocking at my door, or my Aunt Sally telling me that if I don’t go to Mass she won’t bake me a pumpkin pie ‘forcing’?
So, why do people get all uppity when someone ‘forces’ their beliefs on them?
Yes, because love entails to will the good of the other.

It would only be forcing if against the will, like a gun to the head or a choice of convert or die.

Oh, and I love it when people tell me “Don’t force your beliefs on me.” Because I love to reply with, “I don’t have a gun to your head, do I?”
I think the words “to force” is very strong and inappropriate. It’s normal for many to react defensively and negatively if you try to intrude into their space. I’ll be hostile too “probably” if you try to force on me your idea or opinion. Yes, you are right there’s a civil way of acting as Jesus taught us, but sometimes our approach creates the problem. We become insensitive to the feeling of other people. I’ll be diplomatic in my approach, listen and respect their opinion and I’ll present my opinion if they’re willing to listen. There’s no point of presenting your opinion if their ears are close. I’ll always look for the proper time. For the time being I’ll be praying for them.🙂
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