Catholics believe that the good deeds that we do that are wholly pleasing to God are works that were performed by cooperating with the supernatural grace that God gives to the justified. Since we can’t do the spiritual and corporal works of mercy without supernatural grace, we can’t take credit for those works of charity by claiming that we accomplished them out of our own self-effort apart from grace.If our faith does not result in good works, then that is good evidence that our faith is not genuine.
The protestant teachers to whom i’ve listened, however, point out that the good works Christians do do not cause them to receive the gift of eternal life. Rather, the good deeds are only the consequence of receiving that gift. They are not the reason for eternal life, they are only the result of it.
The problem with many “faith alone” Protestants, is no matter how the deny it, when they separate sanctification from justification, they are butchering Paul’s understanding of faith. For many “faith alone” Protestants, justification is a legal fiction, a white snow that covers the dung pile. Faith is merely the intellectual assent to a series of theological propositions about Jesus and his expiation for sin by death on the cross.
This extreme legalistic concept of forensic justification through intellectual assent to theological propositions has erupted into the Lordship Controversy among Protestants.
Some Protestants are appalled at the OSAS doctrine that teaches that a “saved” person is free to commit any sin they feel like committing with a guaranteed place in heaven. The antinomian flavor of OSAS explicitly teaches that once a person is “saved”, there is no sin that could be possibly committed that would make a Christian become damned. That false doctrine implicitly teaches that a Christian has “eternal security", and he can die unrepentant for Satan worshipping, rape, murder, child molesting, genocide, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, etc.
There are sane Protestants that gag at the thought of an unrepentant Satan worshipping child molester in heaven. They instinctively know that the Gospel teaches no such rubbish. But they are unable to provide an argument against this blasphemy when they believe in Luther’s faulty “faith alone” theology of forensic justification themselves.