To the individual human himself, be he Jesus or you, his intellect became aware of its (his) individuality over time, became aware of his identity, became aware of what is real outside his intellect’s understanding, became aware of intelligent control of his body and of body’s conscious thought via love (desire that an understood good object be not only in his understanding but in material reality), thus his will.
We, including Jesus, learned as humans who we are from others telling us our individual names and where we came from. They say “You” to us, and we acknowledge “I am” to them, just as the young Samuel heard, “Samuel”, and responded per Eli’s instruction, “I am here, Lord”. In this light, we have an individual human being (soul / body) saying, “I am Jesus, son of Mary and Son of God”. (understanding this in the intellect, desiring in the will to make it apparent, and animated in the mouth to make it heard).
I was told by my parents where I am from, and my soul, in my intellect understands that, able to move conscious description of that in my thoughts and speech with my will. Jesus was told by Mary and Joseph where he came from, that he was the Son of the Most High, that he was all the fulfillment of the expectation for the Messiah, that God was his Father, that the Holy Spirit overshadowed his mother and he was incarnate in that moment from God, that he would save his People from their sins, etc. The soul of Jesus was learning who he is as an individual human. But the Person he is, and the person who any human is, is that person he learns himself to be once given being, given his individual being by his parents. And the person acts out, actualizes, himself as known to himself (in his intellect). The “hypostatic union”, one person with two natures, is in that both natures (human and divine) knew themselves as being what was spoken, thus that they are one and the same. When Jesus said, “I Am (the Son of God)” to the High Priest, it was a human individual declaring his Person. If the Word in Heaven says, “I Am” it is a divine person declaring this. And the hypostasis, if you hear it from the man, you are hearing it from the Word, from Heaven. Jesus gave a parallel understanding to his Apostles when he told them “Whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in Heaven”. The Son of God, the divine person, gave his identity to this human being, by declaring it to him (in “every word that proceeds from the mouth of God”). At his anointing as Messiah, his Person was declared, “This is my Son, the Beloved”. The Father from Heaven was saying, I want you to meet this Person; this is my Son who has been my Son from eternity. And, strangely, this man understood the truth of his person, and at one point stated, “Before Abraham was, I Am”.
That Jesus, the man we hear about, could not sin, is because of his soul being “full of Grace and Truth”. This meant he not only learned who he is as he grew in wisdom and stature. The Holy Spirit, the Spirit from the Father and the Son, filled his intellect and will, infused it with the Virtues of Faith, Hope, Love, and with this fullness of Grace, when he heard with his ears anything from God, his human soul understood immediately that “this is truth, and good to be part of me”. And if he heard something from Satan or the world that would lure him to some untruth, he immediately understood it was not from God and not good to be part of him. Any and every human will love and desire union with what it knows is true, good, and good to be united to. Jesus was no exception. Being full of grace and truth, he loved one thing and would love nothing else, just as we will love nothing else than what we call true and good and good to be united to, though we are not full of grace and truth (apart from union with Him). And Love is in the will, and actualizes the union with what is loved through the body. Jesus could not sin.
You can find all this in Aquinas’ Summa, the first, second, and third parts if you become his student and understand / trust him. Then you will also put it in your own words from your understanding as I have.
As to Thomas’ authority above Scripture, or Jesus (the Word of God), you and your Wiki do not understand being Catholic.
Now, I believe I have said enough. If you want to be Thomas’ student, you can read him here: I believe this thread keeps running as a kind of debate we used to have in college and seminary among the students trying to out-think one another, yet granting no authority to the others as “knowers or teachers the truth”.