Aner asks:
Therefore, Person = Being = Body + Soul?
Linus responds:
Not exactly. A being is any thing that actually exists. So is a substance. But a Person is a particular kind of being. And yes, a person is a composite of body and soul.
Except in the instance of Christ who has assumed a human nature to his one being, substance, or Person.
Aner says:
OK - I think I am good here
Aner adds:
Divine Person (Substance)l = Divine Being (Substance) = Divine Soul + Divine “Body”
Linus Responds:
No. A Divine Person is the Divine Nature as it relates to the either the Father, the Son or the Holy Spirit. The Divine Nature is considered the " Godhead " and is considered as sourced in the Father. Let’s not get into the Trinity until you understand my explanation of the Personhood of Jesus Christ. There is no Divine Body not even in Jesus.
Aner tries to be cute:
Divine Soul + Divine Body + Human Nature… ooppsss…
Linus says:
It is hard to take you seriously when you do that.
Jesus Christ has a human body and a human soul. The composite we call a human nature. There is no Divine Soul. The Divine nature is a Spirit, we do not call it a soul. In Jesus Christ we have a human nature assumed by the Second Person of the Trinity, who is eternally begotten by the Father and possesses ( completely) with him and the Holy Spirit the Nature/Spirit/Substance/Being we call God.
Aner says:Rats!!! I see we are missing a key element in the equation - maybe I missed it Is Nature = Soul? Or?
Linus responds:
I just supplied it. Aristotle defines nature as the source of motion and rest in those things to which it belongs essentially, as opposed to accidentally. My nature is the body and soul of which I am composed and this nature belongs to me essentially, it is mine. And it is the source of all my activities, conscious and unconscious.
Linus says:But only man, angels, and God are Persons. Being has a wider connotation, since it applies to any thing which exists.
Aner says:
I appreciate the differentiation - for our purposes Being = Person since we are dealing only with God and Man. Admittedly, I am troubled denying Personhood to critters having had a few critter friends BUT that issue is for another thread.
Linus says:
It is true that a Person is a being. But they are not equal because the genus being applies to everything that exists. It is more extensive in application than person.