This is a U-turn from your previous 2-posts and I’m glad that I prodded you with my last post, otherwise I would have come away with the impression that we are in significant agreement.
I agree with you that a person is an individually existing human nature or an individually existing Angel, or God. Just because that’s the way it is presently, it doesn’t mean that we can’t have other natures as persons. My limited point is that natures who are persons have a special remembrance in the mind of God that natures who are non-persons don’t. This special and unique remembrance that sets these natures apart from other natures constitutes their personhood. It is nothing in the nature of a being that constitutes its personhood, but the way in which God remembers that nature that constitutes its personhood. If God chooses to remember a stone in the same way that He remembers me, then that stone would be a person. Conversely, if God chooses to remember me in the same way that He remembers a stone, then I would be a non-person. This is what I mean by saying that my personhood or non-personhood resides in God’s mind. My basic nature will continue unaffected by it.
I don’t know how you say that God’s knowledge of us does not reside in his mind but in us. Makes no sense to me.
You do not want to consider a scenario of human beings who are non-persons. I would like to remind you that very recently the Pope himself has said that the Big Bang theory is not incompatible with our faith. This admits of the possibility that Adam and Eve had thousands of human ancestors. This would necessarily imply that none of those thousands of those ancestors sinned, because we believe that sin entered the world through Adam only. That’s a bit wee hard to digest, no? Just think of it: Satan goes up to each one of them down the generations and all of them rebuff him, till he comes to Adam!
The only way to admit of human ancestry for Adam and Eve and yet make A&E as the first humans with culpable souls would be to admit of the possibility that those ancestors (if any) would have been non-person humans, i.e. merely very intelligent animals.
If God needs no identifier, how does He distinguish you from me? An identifier is implicit in the concept of individuality. How do the 3-Persons distinguish themselves from each other although possessing the one intellect? Once again an identifier is implicit.
You state that nothing in my theory agrees with Church teaching on Incarnation. While it admittedly uses different terminology, I’d like to know what it contradicts. Because if it doesn’t contradict, then maybe it is a different yet valid way of restating it?
I can see why this discussion is disturbing you. Its because it is pushing you out of your comfort zone and forcing you to think out-of-the-box. I’d love it if you return to the discussion with meaty arguments. If not, I’ll be thankful for the brief yet lively interaction we have had!