Dear Greg,AFT
Great question!! Spirit will speak as necessary; however, the basic truth about what Jesus is is so basic we do not need to do anything more than simply read the text EXCEPT that we have been so mis-led by ignorant pagans that crept into the church in the early centuries exactly as was prophesied (Jude, IIP2).
Interestingly, it was the Holy Spirit that clarified to me the exegesis of many basic passages including such simple texts as Jn10:30 to break the chains of darkness and establish that Jesus was a genuine man (1Tim2:5) created by God (Heb2:11, 12). We need the Holy Spirit to clarify scripture or other life issues when we need it. Once we have this clarified, we are good.
Admittedly, I am totally lost why a disciple of Jesus would look to a non-Christian, non-Spirit filled pagan like Aristotle. Scripture NEVER calls us to look to the world - in fact this is condemned as the “wisdom of men’s words” - but we are called to look to the Creator in Christ by the Spirit. Yet based on what I have been informed of here, Aristotle seems far more important than the simple, clear Word of God.
I have no need to ask any more questions about Jesus - Paul answered them in ITim2:5, Heb2:11, 12, Peter in Acts 2, Jesus in Jn8:40, etc.
What is the point of going further than what is clearly and unequivocally stated???
In Jesus Christ,
Greg Logan
PS I am very dependent on the HS leading and directing me into the truth of what I need to be doing with my life. Do you look to the HS of God for the truth of the direction of your life as well??
We rely on these words of Jesus “And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” (Mt 16:18). This gives us the confidence that the Catholic Church is protected from serious doctrinal error.
The Canon of Scripture (which we both hold in the highest esteem) was frozen in the same early centuries when you say that mis-led pagans were infesting the church. So how can you be sure that the scourge hasn’t affected the choice of books that went into it?
Scripture also tell us to discern between spirits, since not all spirits are good. Hope you have this discernment when you rely on direct inspiration for interpreting scripture.
As regards your query whether I look to the HS of God for the truth of the direction of my life, I must confess that I don’t do so directly. I kind of tend to take my daily life decisions in accordance with the values with which I have been brought up, and most of these values have come from the Church, to which my upbringing has always had close connection. That said, I’m trying to deepen my relationship with God on a person to person basis, by spending more time in front of the Blessed Sacrament and simultaneously trying to build a deeper relationship with Mother Mary through recitation of the Rosary.
PS: How’s the popped blood vessel on your finger healing? Will pray for you.