I think your formulations suffer from some logical inconsistencies:
First, you say that the person is the body, mind and will. Please be it noted that the mind and will are the powers of the soul, hence you can’t logically say as you do in the second line, that the soul is the immaterial counterpart of the person as once having included the soul into the defn of person, you can’t simultaneously put it outside and say that it is the counterpart!
Then again you use the word structure “the person’s body, mind, will, soul…”. I think what you mean to say is “the being’s body, mind…”
When you say generally that “Human Nature: Because of limited purpose or wisdom, the person’s body, mind, will, and soul, either does not work together in complete unity, or does not fulfill complete purpose.” you have to be mindful that Jesus also holds the human nature!!
Thank you very much for your considerations! Please consider the updates to my understandings:
Regarding the Definition of Person
A Human Being is the Material (as perceivable by humans) Version of the Person.
A Soul is the Immaterial (as God Knows It) Version of the Person.
The person is a body and mind with a will proceeding from the two.
Regarding Definition of Human Nature
Because of limited knowledge or purpose, the person’s body, mind, and will, either does not work together in Complete Unity and/or does not fulfill Complete Purpose.
Reflection on Alignment with Jesus’ Human Nature
The Bible indicates that the Son does not know Everything (Matthew 24:36 - “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.
We believe that it takes All Three Persons to Complete The Purpose.
It is evident that in Jesus’ Final Words, His Mind and Will may have fallen from Complete Unity.
Regarding Your Seeking to Understand the Holy Trinity, please consider the following:
In the Beginning, the Creator, a Distinct Person [soul with mind, body, and will] wanted to have others freely share in His Infinite Blessings.
Therefore, The Creator thought of a plan to achieve this Goal (Word)
The Creator ensured the Word was of His Nature (Word with God)
The Creator Willed the Word with His Being by becoming the Word (Word was God)
Therefore Everything that Happens is of the Creator’s Mind.
The Creator’s Body becoming Man is the Son, a Distinct Person Begotten Fully from God’s Being (In particular His Body)
The Creator’s Will becoming Man is the Holy Spirit, a Distinct Person which Fully Proceeds from the Creator and the Son.