Not necessary. As somebody has already pointed out, God can exist independent of any dimension. “Image” refers to the qualities, such as rationality and capacity to lovePlease note: The only method of knowing the Complete Existence of God’s Being and God’s World* prior to Creation, can only be known through Divine Revelation.
*God’s World - The Space and Time prior to Creation. Since God is a Being in the image and likeness of us, He must exist in some concept of space and time.
There is a “who” and there is a “what” in rational beings. The name goes into the “who” and qualities like “love” etc. go into the “what”. You should be specific.Regarding Choice of Words
I am trying to present understandings which clearly demonstrate the Distinctions of God: God IS. God is I AM. God is Everything. God is Love. God is the Creator. God is the Father. God is the Son. God is the Holy Spirit…etc.
In my use of “became,” I am trying to demonstrate alignment with Catholicism. Perhaps it could be stated more clearly as “took on a human nature.”
Linear (in time) procession is invalid, since God exists outside time.He has no beginning, no past and no future. You could, in a manner of speaking, say that He only has a “present”.Yes, His Name is God and I AM and the Father. I would also add, I think He is first God, since prior to creating the world, as we know it, He had no children. Then when He Wills the Word, He becomes God, the Father. The Father continues to exist alongside the Word made Flesh. Just as He existed when He made the Word, He Exists as the Word Lives.
God is pure spirit. God is eternally three persons, and not one person gradually becoming three.I think…Yes, the Father had a Body, just like you and I. His Body could tell His Mind what it feels, and His Mind could tell His Body what it thinks. Once His Being (Body and Mind) decided to Share the Blessings* with Others, He created Us. To Create and Guide Us, He had to separate His Immaterial Spirit from His Material Being (He created the Heavens and the Earth). I also think…this is why the Spirit has an Image, and how the Son of God is Begotten Fully of the Father’s Being, And God going from a Single Person, Presently Immaterial, to the Holy Trinity-Three Persons in One Person, Presently Material.
“Son of Man” does not refer to the Holy Spirit, but was Jesus’ preferred name for himself. The is no “will proceed” situation. The Holy Spirit is not a future entity. He already IS, just like the Father and the Son.Yes, the Holy Spirit is/will be a Man; in particular, the Son of Man, who will proceed from The Father and the Son. No, the Holy Spirit is a Distinct Person from the Father, therefore, the Father still has His Will. And…the Father’s Will is the Power/Will of the Holy Spirit