Person Vs Nature

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According to Thomas a human person is a particular existing, living human being, composed of body and soul. Person is not identified with nature as such, rather it is the particular instantiation of a human nature in this or that real human being. As such, person would include all accompanying accidents proper to a living human being ( i.e. whether potential or actual like conscience ) as well as a the accidents incidental to different individuals, races, etc.
“Soul” is often confused with “person”. The Aristotelian “soul” is the human nature (the “form”) as principle of operation. As such, individual human beings participate in the same human “soul” (the same human nature). Because Aristotelian “soul” is what we have in common, it cannot explain our individuation.

“Matter” is often cited as the source of our “individuation”. While it is true that “matter” individuates beings other than persons, in the case of human beings, it is the “person” which “individuates”.

You mention “accidents”. But, like “matter”, “accidents” cannot be the basis of human individuation because they do not possess the ontological excellence of “person”. Perhaps one should say that “person” accounts for the peculiar individuality of the “accidents”.

It should be noted that “person” is not added externally to a human primary substance. Rather “person” is the new reality , the new excellence, that is “expressed”, “manifested” over and above the “form” and the “matter”. And this novel “event” is a singularity which is “incommunicable”, i.e., cannot be shared or “participated” in by any other being. I am unique and radically unrepeatable.

Digression: a forceful way of putting all of this is Heidegger’s description of the “person” as the “da”, the “there”, which is “inmost mine” (no one else can die my death, or live my life).
Aner, you have no way out of the maze till the OP is satisfactorily answered. Till then, best luck!

Yes - I have been starting to lean in that direction (that there is no way out) as well. I had hoped that the course you and Linus were recently laying out for me was going to solidify and thought that I was going to crest that hill (“nature” is completely independently functional from incarnate deity and thus, we assume, including the phenomenon of consciousness and functionality of will), however, I was seemingly just waylaid into quicksand by Linus’ last post …🤷

Not to give up hope however - 👍

I had begun to go in that direction (answering the OP) with my introduction of the phenomenon of “consciousness” and function of “will” into the conversation and in particular into “nature” rather than “person”.

BTW - I am still working with your leaning (albeit hedging your bets) that “person” is phenomenal rather than purely ideational. Thus, I assume that when you deny the human person of Christ - you are deleting something from reality more than simply an idea - at least some good clean “person” energy.

Before we go too far into the detailed break-down of the variables that constitute each of what appear to be simply ideational constructs, I would assert that if one is going to introduce a reality as expressed by a word into the conversation then one should damn well know specifically what the nature of the reality is that they are introducing. Otherwise such an introduction is pointless – indeed, even holding such an idea is pointless and essentially amounts to just a word that popped into your head – with no semantic content. Talk about a cloud without any rain… Reasonably, we should establish the beachhead of our fellowship on mutually agreed upon reality. Say, how about the Bible?

The Bible plainly teaches that

5 For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,

We note that Jesus is denoted not only specifically as a man (and is done so as aligned with all other men) but in absolute and fundamental contrast to God Himself (note the singular pronoun…). The real question “What is a man?” is simply answered in this same text. You and I – and as noted in the text, all of mankind - are men (unless you are a lot different than the rest of us - we are not incarnated deity). Without question, we all know exactly what we are and that we and all others like us are and always have been this “maness” – not one variable more or one less. Indeed, then, Jesus MUST have everything that we do in order to be a genuine man - otherwise He is not. Simple math. To strip Him of ANYTHING is make Him less than a genuine man – those to whom He is specifically and fully here and elsewhere (Heb2:11) identified. Such a stripping is, thus, to make Him someone other than the Lord and Master who bought us (egads – I don’t want to even glance in the direction of that fire…). Likewise, to make Jesus less than a man is to violate the clear teaching of scripture (which presumably your own teachers (the vatican) hold as authoritative). Are you willing to assert that Paul’s writing to Timothy here, Peter’s sermon in the book of Acts 2 and 20 other instances including Jesus own words in Jn8:40 are flat out wrong? That Paul, Peter and Jesus Himself are confused and don’t know what they are talking about? Or that every one of the 20 or so texts are simply wrong and your teachers have been in error by their consideration of these texts as holy scripture….

In the Lord and Master who bought us,

I tried to give you an honest answer. The Church teaches Dogmatically that all acts of Jesus Christ are thos ot the Second Person of the Trinity. That means Christ’s human nature cannot act solo, only through the Second Person. So I guess the answer has to be no, even though I tried to nuance it a bit :)

Or, would we better say - Jesus is the 2nd Person acting through an inanimate human nature…? Since the nature does not act at all… Right?

Don’t we much more readily acknowledge that the Person is the real essence - consciousness - to which we reference when we say “Linus2nd”, etc.

Quite frankly, if I was going to use your constructs this is the natural direction.

The problem then of course is that you don’t have a genuine man in your Christology…😦

And that has been my whole point all along.

In that case you don’t have the Lord and Master who bought us but something completely else.

You are now aligned with all the non-vatican christological thinkers that I have read.

Sad to say.

So the question is, what distinguishes the person from his nature, or, what is there in the “person” that is not there in the “nature” and vice versa?
The simple answer is; Presence and Essence.

The presence is revealed from each person of the Trinity distinctly one from the other.

Essence is that eternal reality of which the presence of the person veils in His presence.

When the Essence eternal being is not revealed in space and time.

Should the nature of God’s Essence? which is eternal; enter time, time will cease to exist. God’s nature Essence is veiled with God’s presence in space and time.

No one see’s God and lives. No one has seen the Father except the Son, and no one goes to the Father except through the Son.

In conclusion God is mystery, God the Son has revealed God the Father with His presence incarnate confirmed in the Holy Spirit, when God gives testimony of who God is.

God does not accept testimony from man of who God is.

Peace be with you
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