Originally Posted by Linusthe2nd
All I will say is that in Jesus Christ there is one person only, the Second Person of the Trinity and two natures.
I would put it as: The man Jesus Christ and God the Son represent one and the same Person. Your formulation puts the Second Person inside Jesus Christ. At least on this thread, one must be very careful of the terms we use.
That is incorrect. It is De Fide that Jesus Christ is the Second Person. His Person is not a mere representation. Nothing has changed in the Divine Person, he has assumed a human nature, he has united it to his Divine nature
in his Divine Personhood.. It is one person that exists, Jesus Christ the Second Person of the Trinity. That is the Doctrine. Perhaps I explained it badly or said it badly…
That both natures exist in one Being, the Being of the Second Person.
I would say that the Second Person is two beings: one a Divine being and the other a human being (where “being” indicates a full functioning independent entity).
No, no, that is wrong. One being only, it is Jesus Christ, the One Divine Person that exists, having assumed a human nature unto himself so that there is one supposit which exists. That is Defide. The Council of Constantinople II ( 553 ) expresses it thusly through the words of St. Cyril : " …a union according to subsistence results…" ( Summa Theologiae, Part III, Ques 2, an 1-3 - You need to read Part III, Ques 2-6 very, very carefully, it is very tough, but if you are going to talk about things you need to know how Thomas has explained them. I’m reading them now for the first time! )
That the Second Person assumed the human nature for our salvation.
Another way of putting it would be that at the Incarnation, God the Son who was exclusively a Divine Being, now also became a human being.
No, there is one being or substance only, one
suppositum or one
or one
Person, one subsisting thing - Jesus Christ, the Second Person, one single thing, one and the same Person. He is one being, one thing, one supposit, one hypostasis, one Person, with both a human and a divine nature.
That the human will and intellect are totally united to and obedient to the divine intellect and will.
This unity and obedience of the human entity to the Divine entity is out of choice and not out of structure. If it were out of structure, then the lower entity would not be independent, and friend Aner will come out with all guns blazing!
Aner can blaze away all he wants! You and I are taking as our source the Doctrine of the Church and what it says and we are elaborating with the aid of St. Thomas. Christ’s human nature functions exactly like our own, but with a difference. It can operate on its own or in conjunction with or under the guidance of the Divine nature but always in total obedience to the Divine Will, and of course his human nature has no human person because the human nature has been assumed by the Divine Person. And it is by choice that his human intellect and will are conformed to the Divine Will. You cannot think of separate structures when speaking of Jesus Christ. There is only one Person present, one thing and that is Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Trinity, True God and True man in one entity or hypostasis, one supposit, one substance, one being. Mary gave birh to a man but a man who was actually God - enfleshed ( St. Damascene, Ibid, an 3 )
I will have more to say bye and bye, I have a lot to digest. One more thing, forget you post # 139. I’m not saying every thing there is wrong but you can’t make the comparisons you made there. And by the way, forget what I said about conscience being an indicator of
person, that is incorrect. According to Thomas a human person is a particular existing, living human being, composed of body and soul. Person is not identified with nature as such, rather it is the particular instantiation of a human nature in this or that real human being. As such,
person would include all accompanying accidents proper to a living human being ( i.e. whether potential or actual like conscience ) as well as a the accidents incidental to different individuals, races, etc. Thus we are
persons from the moment we are conceived, because at that moment we are a particular, living thing.