This is a gem! So would you say that personhood and self awareness are two sides of the same coin? A dog looking at his own reflection in the water is not aware that it is his own reflection - he may think it is another dog or he may not think anything, but he definitely does not identify it as his own reflection and hence a dog is not a person. Is that a correct statement to make?A person is a living nature or essence that is self aware, it is not separate from our nature’s.
The man Jesus was self aware of being the Second Person of the Trinity. Would this therefore be the simple and correct explanation of the Hypostatic union, viz. Two separate living beings (i.e. God and the man Jesus) having the same self awareness?
If my above concept is correct, then the flow of words here is flawed, because the “person” is a passive concept - its only a living being’s self-identity. The Second Person is only one of the three self identities of the Godhead, so when you say that the Second Person added a human nature unto himself, you are giving the self awareness powers that are not proper to it. Self awareness doesn’t possess any powers, only the nature does.But here the Second Person assumes a human nature. Thus the human nature adds nothing to the Second Person. Whereas, the Second Person adds the Divinity of God to the human nature and the Personhood of the Second Person to the human nature. The result is Jesus Christ the Second Person of the Trinity, in the flesh. The Second Person is not changed, it merely takes on humanity. How can you divide the person of Jesus Christ, having two natures from the Second Person? You can’t.
Hence, would it be more correct to say that the Godhead in possession of three self identities now assigned one of those self identities (that of the Second Person) to a man (Jesus), such that where earlier only the divine nature possessed an identity/self awareness called Son/Second Person, now additionally a human nature came to possess the same self awareness?