No, that is not true. And it is not the plain meaning of the words. Hermeunutics, not withstanding. Hermeunutics can and often are wrong. Whereas, the Church teaches the truth, with no error.Linus - Do you see that Jesus states we - His disciples - are to BE ONE - in the SAME WAY that He and God are ONE (Jn10:30)? This is the straight and obvious meaning of the words. The meaning that any natural reading would result in. Based on standard hermeunutics (sp?) and basic common sense (a faculty that God has created in us), this is the correct reading.
Linus - There is no mention of three persons in the one God here. There is simply a mention of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (AMEN!). Please note
- This verse is uses just the name of Jesus in certain very early texts.
- ALL baptism in scripture is done in Jesus name - NOT the name of the F,S,HS…
And you are trying to explain away the plain meaning. Why you do so is a mystery to me.Thus this is a very weak verse upon which to establish anything.
Do you reject the Trinity of Persons in One God, it sounds like it?
re: Authority
Of course there is an authority - Jesus told us who the Authority was - Jesus PROMISED us the Authority.
As you live by the Holy Spirit, so walk ye also by the Holy Spirit.
This is just basic Discipleship 101 material (the milk…).
And of course you are wrong on all accounts. Christ has given his Church the authority to explain and teach what exactly Divine Revelation is and what it means. In this way all of us, you and me, are protected from our own private prejudices and ignorance.Aner
Your own view point proves the necessity for an appointed earthly authority, The Catholic Church, which will faithfully pass on the truth of Tradition, Revelation as given to the Apostles. If your view point were correct all Christians would be teaching the same doctrine and discipline. But they don’t. So your conviction that each of us has infallible access to the true meaning of Revelation, guaranteed by the Holy Spirit, is clearly wrong. This was proven in the very beginning of the preaching of the Apostles. They frequently warned against " innovators, " against false prophets. Since that time there have been countless innovators and false prophets. But the Church’s teachings have been consistently faithful to the initial Revelation.
The " milk " is the teaching of the Catholic Church.