Pete Davidson vs 20% of America

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Some of you may know that on that awful show SNL, Pete Davidson said that supporting the Catholic church was the same as continuing to be an R. Kelley fan. This was shocking to me. Number one, that he said it. Number two, that no one seemed bothered by it come Sunday.
I’m upset. And I debated whether to post this for a while. I am newly returned to the Catholic faith and I’m absolutely shocked at the amount of anti- Catholicism is being displayed in the media, despite the fact that there are a good 50 million of us living in America, at least 20%. I’ve read editorials in major newspapers suggesting Catholics should leave the church over Priest Scandal, shaming everyday Catholics, as if we had something to do with it.
I get it that people are mad at the priests, yes, I get that. But those priests have zero to do my faith, personally. The way I see it, the Church was infiltrated by Satan and now we are literally fighting Evil to be rid of them. I have no compassion for people who hurt children. But it has nothing, NOTHING to do with my relationship with Jesus, Mary, the Saints and most especially God.
I should note that Pete Davidson received negative feedback from the audience when he made his comparison. I should also note that I am recently back to the Church could use some coping techniques for dealing with social pressures and outright bigotry.
Isn’t this the same Pete Davidson guy who we just had some big thread about his mental health issues? If so, he’s mentally unwell and whatever drivel he spouts should probably just be given negative feedback and then ignored. People in his business will often do/ say anything to get attention. My guess is if he keeps up acting too “edgy” the show will eventually drop him as well.
Dr. Drew urges Pete Davidson to stay away from ex-fiancée Ariana Grande: ‘Pete has special issues’ Popular Media
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Ok, thank you! I read the thread and now I understand better.
To someone outside the faith, who doesn’t understand and believe the teachings of Catholicism, they may think that it’s like boycotting a business whose policies you don’t like or who has scandal among the management.

To them it makes logical sense to go elsewhere. As far as they understand, you can get a similar product just as easily from the next church over.

Because very few Catholics know or understand the Real Presence, they don’t understand why anyone would stay in an organization with this kind of situation.

Lack of understanding results in a lack of empathy.
Anyone whose job description contains “cause controversy” I just ignore. It’s not worth the energy.
The Church will be attacked because the human element in charge is deeply sinful. While there are good clerics, it’s sad but true that many of our “shepherds” have no supernatural Faith. They’re concerned only about worldly power and saving face; that’s why they covered for the homosexuals who abused young boys and teens. They’ve dragged the Church through the mud and now the honest, good priests and laity are tarred with the same brush.
. I should also note that I am recently back to the Church could use some coping techniques for dealing with social pressures and outright bigotry.
You already seem to have a good handle on how to approach this. In fact you could probably teach a thing or to to some on this forum. Many don’t understand or believe a battle is being waged at all.
very few Catholics know or understand the Real Presence,
Sad but true. And such an attitude has been expressed right here on CAF. “I’m a good Catholic…but I don’t believe in the Eucharist.”
This entertainer, Mr Davidson, is a man who is battling some pretty big issues right out in the public spotlight. He lost his father on 9/11, that had to have a big impact on this young man’s spiritual and psychological health.

He needs prayers, we Catholics in this time need to be Jesus in the public spotlight. That means we love those who speak badly about us. If Jesus could take it on the way to the Cross, I can take it from network TV.

In fact, I am going to have a Mass said for Mr Davidson.
I say. Welcome to the Church. This is part of it. The church is not if this world. It does not make it any easier but helps understand why the church is hated. And we do not retaliate with offense back. We can speak the truth but not attack.
I think SNL is in trouble and hopefully they will find their way out of it.

They have some outstanding players, but their material is often off and un-funny.

I think they’ve underestimated the number of non-New York baby boomers who watch the show. The audience is no longer “young urban people,” but older fly-over people. Young people are too busy with their phones, streaming, and craft beers to spend time watching “network TV.” Even 14-years old, the original SNL audience, don’t watch network much anymore–they watch stuff online and play games.

The problem is–a large number of boomers like me and my husband are supporters of Pres. Trump and the Republican Party. We don’t mind political satire at all–I think that Norm McDonald’s “Bob Dole” was one of the funniest satiric portrayals EVER, and I still remember when the real Bob Dole made an appearance on the show, making it obvious that he, too, thought Norm was hilarious! And I loved the Will Farrell satires of Pres. Bush, and I loved the Dana Carvey portrayal of the elder Pres. Bush. And one of my favorite SNL skits of all time was “The Rock Obama”–so funny!

These were truly great political satires.

But for the last year, the politics hasn’t been satire and certainly not funny. It’s just mean-spirited, inaccurate jibes against the POTUS by actors who don’t live in the same world as most of the rest of the country. There’s nothing funny about calling someone names or saying that they 're stupid. And to accompany this lame material with eye-rolls and sighs and shrugs–well, that’s not funny. I don’t want to watch that. I get enough of that at work from real people, as well as here on CAF.

So…we, and other boomers, are not watching the show, at least, not much. It’s just not funny.

And Pete Davidson has the bad luck to be on an un-funny SNL season, and also he has not yet found a “humor niche” that makes him unique and appealing. This must be really bad for him, because so many of the other performers on the show are very talented. Davidson kind of sticks out–in a lame sort of way. I think he has potential, but he really needs to zero in on it fast. He needs a memorable character (e.g., Church Lady), or a “line” or a “schtick” or something that is uniquely his and his alone, something that all of us will be talking about and laughing at!

And sadly, with his depression and other psychological illnesses, I fear he will not be given the opportunity to take his time and find what he needs and grow into his comic self.
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Yeah, I have to say having watched the clip, it really wasn’t funny. Even if I wasn’t Catholic, it wasn’t funny. It was just uncomfortable, including the parts about R Kelly.
I’ve read editorials in major newspapers suggesting Catholics should leave the church over Priest Scandal, shaming everyday Catholics, as if we had something to do with it.
Which newspapers? They need faithful Catholics writing into them to defend our religion (not the sinful priests, but our faith)
I’ve never seen or heard him do or say anything funny. Comedy is more than mugging for the camera.
If they didn’t view us that way, they’d view us in some other negative way.

“The world” can’t handle the truth.

If I sat around worrying about what “the world” thought, I wouldn’t have gotten much done in life, religiously or any other way.
Right but I think what he said was just a joke. Besides that’s how people see Catholics anyway
Yeah, yeah, yeah, to all of that! Agree.
But then there’s always “imagine what would happen if he’s said Muslims instead of Catholics.” It’s just not right, is all. And it made me feel bad. There. I said it. 🤣
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