The steward deposed and the one elevated, in Is 22:22 , are not kings. But they speak and operate for the king, and the king backs them up.Hi Charbrah,
I’ve never really followed those discussions on the meaning of the key in Isaiah, seemed far to complicated, but as someone noted, there is only one key mentioned in that passage, taken away from a corrupt steward and given to another who will be a king like a father.
The connection is crystal clear.It’s one of those associations thrown into a list of apologetic responses which fails to make any connection with the plural keys, two, which were given to Peter which clearly represent the power to free or condemn and as Christ came to save lives not to condemn those keys should be understood and used wisely.
- Whose kingdom is being spoken of in*** Is 22:22***? It’s the Davidic kingdom
- There is a changing of authority, represented by the giving of the keys to the kingdom.
OT prototypes are types and shadows of NT fulfillments. In The Beginning, The one who spoke and all things came into being, abd through whom all things are made, gave Peter the keys to the kingdom of heaven. The one who recieves these keys receives prime minister status among all the other ministers. And to verify this to the apostles again, and to all of humanity, Jesus tells Peter after the resurrection, in front of all His apostles, that Peter was to feed and rule His sheep. And to deal the deal, Jesus sends the Holy Spirit on Pentecost to His apostles.What follows is the beginning of Christ teaching the disciples about the coming Passion, hot head Peter blurts out his heart, of course, wouldn’t we all? Who wants to think of someone they love walking into certain suffering? Satan in Greek is known as the Adversary, a subtle opponent, tempting to divert to an easier course for example. As Christ was tempted in the desert he knew this enemy, not that Peter was evil, but that even love can be a temptation to take the easy way out.
They didn’t fully comprehend Christ then, in the long dark night of the soul before Golgotha Christ was alone not because they’d deserted him, but because they couldn’t stay awake to keep him company. They didn’t understand the importance of what was actually happening and why, the enormity of Christ’s mission was completely beyond them then. Christ knew that not until his ascendancy to the Father could they hope to understand, because only from the Father could Christ send the Holy Spirit to guide into all truth, to make sense of it. We can look back on their story and understand it, but it must have been so difficult for them especially when this wonder worker Messiah led them into a such a nightmare.
A last thought about the Isaiah key, the man’s a steward of the treasury, the subject matter is completely different to the context of the keys given to Peter.
What are you thoughts on this?