continued to
Anna Elizabeth
Firmilian compares him with Judas betrayer of Christ in disrupting the unity of the Church and he was thankful that Cyprian settled the matter once and for all.
“They who are at Rome do not observe those things in all cases which are handed down from the beginning, and vainly pretend the authority of the apostles”.
“The folly of Stephen” is that he “boasts of the place of his episcopate, and contends that he holds the succession from Peter.”
“Contends”, not only was the whole Church unified in Christ’s command “it will not be so among you”, but Stephen, and Victor, both tried to claim sole authority from Peter, to do so they had to reject Paul completely. All the Church knew that both Peter and Paul helped to found the Church in rome so how could these pretentions have been taken seriously by them?
Rome was schismatic breaking away from unity of the Church here, and this claim kept returning over the following centuries until the Franks made it quite solid in their takeover of the Church in Rome and it continued to grow because of its entwinement with secular power, not for any spiritual reasons. And the claims grew more grandiose through the centuries until even successor of Peter wasn’t good enough, it became in place of Christ and then even more grandiose claims, that the Bishop of Rome was infallible. It was used as a club to beat other peoples, like the Lithuanians, and other Christians, as in Briton, into submission. It has no redeeming qualities, it’s built on a lie and it continues to create disharmony because of that. Reclaim your Church! Write to your bishops…