ribozyme - I appreciate that you have made a strong effort to be respectful, reasonable, and unemotional in your posts within this thread. I hope that you will consider what I am going to say to you to be respectful of you, as well. You are obviously a very intelligent young person (didn’t you say you were 16?), and it is encouraging to see a young person engaged in critical thinking in an age where many young people are so much “fluff.” However, I do believe that your thinking is clouded by a combination of youthful inexperience and too much critical thinking on your part. It does seem (especially when you are young) that eliminating hardship and suffering should be society’s main aim, but that type of thinking attempts to uniformly assign an objective standard to all aspects of life and society, which is, in reality, neither possible nor desirable. I believe that when you are older and have experienced more, you will grow in your thinking and understanding. I was weaned on math, science, and logic, so I can see where you are coming from, but now that I am 37 and the parent of a disabled child I also am wise(r).
Although I would certainly prefer that my daughter not have this disability, I could provide you today with a laundry list of reasons why her disability is a blessing to me, my daughter, our family, our friends, and even strangers. Killing her at any point would have been a tremendous loss to the world - and she is still young! The crucible of human suffering exists for a reason - a good reason - and some of us are closer to the flame than others. God be with you in your quest for truth. If you continue to seek it, you will find it. My prayer is that you find it through study, rather than through painful experience.
JimG - Thanks for the info on Not Dead Yet. As the parent of a disabled child, I am always looking for info on people who have defied odds.
I do agree with him in that it’s surprising that pro-aborts who have no problem killing a disabled child in utero a day before that child is born are suddenly up in arms about killing it the day after birth. Seriously, what’s the difference? Murder is murder. The only difference is the environment in which the baby resides.
The only difference in the two that I’ve been able to discern is that killing a baby after birth is something that most people just can’t stomach (yet). Aborting an unborn child is more of a “behind closed doors” event, whereas killing a baby already living is something out in the open for all to see. It seems to me that many of the abortion-friendly types don’t actually have a true moral objection to killing a newborn. That’s a subjective observation on my part, not a factual assertion, as I’m sure they would vehemently disagree with me.
Peace and joy,