Thank you so much for sharing your story with us! This is something I have heard time and time again from those who have been privileged to interact with those who have disabilities like your daughter, and I was hoping someone would share from personal experience. If this little girl, who is so “handicapped” can accomplish so much, what could we do if we were to approach life with such enthusiasm and hope as she does? Who are we to say that this beautiful girl doesn’t deserve life because life is “difficult” for her? It seems like a cop-out to me. “Life is hard, no one should have to struggle for a good life, so it would be better to not make them suffer at all?”My daughter is disabled - she has cerebral palsy. I’m quite certain that she is happy being alive, despite the pain and suffering she has experienced. But in her young life, she has touched many people who have watched her tackle each obstacle with an enthusiasm that is unmatched. Not a week goes by that someone does not say to me that they are encouraged by just being around her. It is easy to see that her life has meaning - a meaning that many won’t find in 100 years of life on this earth.
The truth is that the person who has experienced the MOST pain and suffering in our family is NOT my daughter. It is me. It pains me to see her struggle, and I have cried many a tear of frustration, but she knows only what she is, and not what she could have been without the disability, and that is a blessing.
If the purpose for killing a disabled infant is to prevent pain and suffering, then it would be best to kill the parents, but let the children live. Yet, I don’t expect to hear that argument from any ethicist in my lifetime.
Peace and joy,
So next, should we abort the poor because their life would be a struggle, and they would have no way to turn their lives around? Both of my parents came from third-world countries, and have managed to make an incredible life for themselves through hard work and the simple desire for more. Its happened in history time and time again - we deny the “humanity” of other people based on how we want to define humanity. It happened to the Jews, and the early African American slaves, and it is happening again now with infants. They say that history repeats itself…