Heres philosophy for you. Homo behavior is their natural sexual orientation. Forcing them not to function according to their nature would be like forcing you to either have sex with a fellow male or not have sex at all. Golden Rule, dude.
There are two “books” if you will in the world.
- The book of nature: where created things speak to us directly
- The book of Revelation, where God himself reveals to us his own inner nature and his free gifts and plans for humanity.
Again and again it has been stated in this thread that it is un-natural for two men to engage in sexual acts. You said in your quote above that it would not be according to their nature to “force” them not to engage in these acts.
The God of Judeo-Christianity Created the world and “nature” of our beings. He created it with an order not to be thrown out of whack. Two men doing committing such acts throw the natural order out of whack.