Its is imposible to imagine the imposible, simply because the imposible does not have any roots in existence; it is not logical that you can imagine something imposible, because anything you do imagine, even if its not real or does not exist, has roots in the real world around us. To imagine something that has no roots in or is not relflective of the world around us, is to think of something like “what does the soul look like”; it is imposible to imagine what the soul looks like, simply because it has no image except for its material counterpart or what we give it in terms of launguage. However, it is posible to imagine that something is imposible to imagine; but we cannot imagine that which is imposible, otherwise we would have imagined it (or will eventually). We have a finite Imagination, and can only imagine a set number of things, just like there are a set number of melodeys or concepts for songs that one can invent; it is imposible to imagine past that set number of inventive combinations.I feel a good way to approach the impossible is by defining what the impossible is not; a sort of ‘negative method’ which helps unveil the impossible by removing the possible.
What do think?