That it is.
It was just a few days before Christmas. There’s a High Stations of the Cross at Lourdes and a Low Stations. The High Stations meanders for a ways along the hillside next to the Basilica and has life-size sculptures at the Stations. You’re supposed to do it on your knees, but since my luggage was stolen on he train and I was wearing my only pair of pants, I walked. I only saw one other gentleman during my time there. He was walking too. At the end, the shrubs along side the trail are covered in rosaries discarded by the pilgrims. The birding was excellent as well. Lots of little woodland species similar to their North American counterparts. I liked being in Lourdes in the winter. It drizzled almost the whole time, but I liked that it was nice and quiet.Was this in the fall? Is this the Stations of the Cross? I would love to go back there and spend some more time on my own rather than on the schedule with the group.
If you liked Australia, maybe you should come to New Zealand one day.My husband and I saw lots of them on our honeymoon downunder they would wobble and ripple crossing the road.