Intergal, no eception clauses for those afflicted with a dis-ordered sexual desire/SSA.
What are you aligning yourself with? What is you measuring rod, guide post, refernce point? It all comes down to belief in the existance of absolute truth or relativism and which God/god that you will serve.
I’ve read this thread and responded. What rights, if any, do gay men have in the US? Love to see Christians discussing if I have a right to my property, my $, my life. I guess many folks think they can do better with my bank accounts than some sort of “sinner.”
My conclusion is that the slang “SSA” means the same of what my southern relatives called “colored” refering to African Americans. Both terms are considered polite by the folks who use them. But both terms distinguish one “type” of human different from the users of the slang. Science says humans with different skin pigmentations are still the same species. Many decent Christian southern folks disagreed of course. Science says homosexuality is a normal variation of human sexuality – i.e. observed in most cultures through time. Of course many decent Christians disagree. Same difference.