Pictures of your Pet

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So sorry to hear about your loss, Katie. Our Waylon passed away on 6/26. We just picked out an urn for his ashes on Etsy last night. My wife wrote the most lovely inscription for it:

It was Grace the made your ours,
And Grace shall lead you home.
Here is another photo of our dearly, departed Waylon. It is almost like he posed for the photo.
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We have another miniature long-haired dachshund, Willie, who I will try to find a photo of. At least Willie is still with us - being spoiled!
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All I have on my new iPad is a rooster :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
He featured on the bird thread recently.He’s pretty sociable …so far.Im sure he will become more protective towards the hens later in Spring.
A very funny sight is when a rooster wants to show a hen a nice safe place to lay an egg…sitting making encouraging noises then looking very embarrassed when I spy him and laugh :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
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That’s a very good question about pets being in Heaven. Here’s a video from Father Mike at Ascension Presents on the subject:

So… maybe?
Here’s Sammy:

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and Brady:

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and Hamlet

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and Spence

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and Hannah

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I like to stare at my cats and look at their behavior, its all so predictable and there is a reason for everything they do, God made every animal with a “default set of behavior” like they were programmed to act one particular way in each and every situation they find themselfs in, my cat have no idea that she is a cat, she just exists and do her stuff, even cats with depression dont realise what’s going on, playing with animals is fantastic, i feel like, the same way i look at my cat, God looks at me, i mean i cant comprehend Him 100% but He knows me 100%, my cat see’s me as “the man who gives me food and water” but i see her in a way more complicated way, given the proper proportions its like God its looking at me while i look at my cat, its like God has a pet who has a pet of his own.
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anyway here’s Nenê (baby in portuguese ), she found out how blankets work and she likes to lay near the heater becuse its 67 F here in my city.
I have a cat who is ,hm, more like a dog than a cat sometimes …likes rough play ,and when I’m out in the garden I hear a small meow and he’s suddenly on my shoulder 🤨 Back in Summer he used his claws as he practiced, and I used the hose.Now the claws are retracted when he flies up from behind.
I think his tactic is he will get attention of some sort once he’s up near my face .He likes to sit in the wheel barrow as I’m carting rubbish,and doesn’t seem to have much fear of the bonfire.
And he answers to a whistle .He’s just plain odd 😅
If the lion shall lie down with the lamb, I presume Fido will also lie down with Felix
Cute or not, this is the only pet I’ve got.
I’ve had this desert tortoise for 48 years, since my dad acquired it for me from a coworker.
Many dogs and cats have come and gone, but this old tortoise lives on and on.

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How do you keep him from wandering off?
We have a well fenced yard. Known for digging, this tortoise never digs much and always takes shelter in whatever I provide in the yard (currently an upside down trash can).

We had a dog years ago, a large terrier who jumped the fence and mauled the poor tortoise! I found him with his shell cracked and nursed him back to health. That terrier died of old age around 20 years ago, so the tortoise had his eventual revenge. Outlive your enemies 😁
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KC is a beautiful dog. What does he have between his paws?
A big soup bone! This dog has the healthiest whitest teeth I’ve ever seen on a dog his age! We’ll give him a soup bone about once a month.
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