I like to stare at my cats and look at their behavior, its all so predictable and there is a reason for everything they do, God made every animal with a “default set of behavior” like they were programmed to act one particular way in each and every situation they find themselfs in, my cat have no idea that she is a cat, she just exists and do her stuff, even cats with depression dont realise what’s going on, playing with animals is fantastic, i feel like, the same way i look at my cat, God looks at me, i mean i cant comprehend Him 100% but He knows me 100%, my cat see’s me as “the man who gives me food and water” but i see her in a way more complicated way, given the proper proportions its like God its looking at me while i look at my cat, its like God has a pet who has a pet of his own.
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anyway here’s Nenê (baby in portuguese ), she found out how blankets work and she likes to lay near the heater becuse its 67 F here in my city.