please explain this superstition

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“if you think positive, things will get better”

Frankly, this looks like some kind of superstition, as if “positive thoughts” are some kind of talisman that wards away evil.
As a person in the medical field, I can safely tell you that there are studies available, that show that when a person is more positive rather than negative about their healing,or prognosis, they will heal. Endorphins are released, whatever you want to call it…Biofeedback is a whole area of study that proves that this is true. It is not superstition.
As a person in the medical field, I can safely tell you that there are studies available, that show that when a person is more positive rather than negative about their healing,or prognosis, they will heal. Endorphins are released, whatever you want to call it…Biofeedback is a whole area of study that proves that this is true. It is not superstition.
Is there another way to release endorphins? Are they not just “feel good” kind of things?

How do I get the strength to constantly think positive thoughts? God is not providing this, even though I ask…

This makes it sound like I gotta lean on my own strength instead of on God…

Also, this deals with health. What about other things in life? How do these endorphins being released solve other problems?
You can also look at it as a matter of perception. When you’re focusing on the positives, you’ll be less likely to be seeing the negatives. While an equal number of negatives may be weighing on you as before (or even more), your positive outlook will be overlooking them to see the good. It’s like the glass–some see it half full, some it see half empty (course, I’m in the third category–“Who drank my water!!!”).
You can also look at it as a matter of perception.
so how does the perception help me by getting rid of problems?
When you’re focusing on the positives, you’ll be less likely to be seeing the negatives.
Sort of like Mr. Magoo driving. Ingoring the potholes in the road…
then wondering why he got a flat tire.
A positive attitude or optimism is always better than being negative and pessimistic.

There is a truism, that says " IF you believe you can (do something )or if you believe you can’t, you will always be right. "

Those who do not have faith in their own ability to accomplish something are defeated before they even start.

Confidence is a huge asset when faced with difficult challenges. Demoralized troops or workers will always be out perfromed by those with positive attitudes.

A positive attitude or optimism is always better than being negative and pessimistic.
But how does a positive attitude make good things happen to you, as the superstition claims?
There is a truism, that says " IF you believe you can (do something )or if you believe you can’t, you will always be right. "
I can fly! flaps arms Nope, it didn’t work. I guess the superstition didn’t work.
Those who do not have faith in their own ability to accomplish something are defeated before they even start.

Confidence is a huge asset when faced with difficult challenges. Demoralized troops or workers will always be out perfromed by those with positive attitudes.
In order to have confidence, one must have the ability to do something. My flying example shows that. If one can’t do something, they can’t do it. Even if they believe they can.
I had to be taught how to “think positive”. Here is what happenned to me:

I was diagnosed 10 years ago with an autoimmune disorder that can cause horrific pain at the most inopportune time - like during the work day or in the middle of Mass - and one day I had just had enough. I was in so much pain. I couldn’t sit, I couldn’t stand, even my HAIR hurt.
I called a dear friend and was crying to her. She said, "I know exactly what you are going through - here is what I do. I go somewhere quiet, close my eyes and take some deep breaths, and then say “Thank you, Jesus, for the pain. I don’t know why you give it to me, but I know it is for good. Thank you.”.

I thought - yeah, uh huh. Oh that makes sense. But I did it. And it helped.

Now, why did it help? Well, the spiritual axiom behind the prayer is acceptance and faith. A doctor will tell you that there is a physiological response to that spiritual axiom, whereas the body begins to relax. As the body relaxes the pain lessens - because our natural response to pain is to tighten up as a defense, which only makes the pain worse.

So, ‘thinking positive’ can be as simple as acknowledging the reality and then trusting that the reality comes only from a Loving Lord - and then thanking Him for the reality.

To me, that is not superstition - it is truth.

Just my opinion. Hope it helps.
Dear third_servant,

I was just thinking about “positive thoughts” the other

Maybe this image will help:

I think of my mind as being like the old-time drive-in
movie screen.
Whatever I “project” onto that screen affects me
emotionally, and I think, ultimately, physically.

Here’s an example:
My mother has Altzheimer’s. If the picture I put
on the “screen” of my mind is of Mom looking
at me with a slightly vacant look, I feel down.
If, instead, I project on the “screen” of my mind
the day she told me a funny thing…in the midst
of being delusional…I feel a lot better.

Feeling a lot better gives me the energy and stamina
to do something that will ease her day.

When I catch myself running a doom and gloom
“film” in my mind [negative]…I change “channels.”[positive].

I hope this makes sense,
I go somewhere quiet, close my eyes and take some deep breaths, and then say “Thank you, Jesus, for the pain. I don’t know why you give it to me, but I know it is for good. Thank you.”.
How is an evil thing (pain,suffering) being done for good? It is like slapping a wife, there’s no good reason for it. And why would God do evil? I thought God only does good. I can’t believe that God would do evil. How does “thinking positive” make the evil that is imposed on me, go away?
As the body relaxes the pain lessens - because our natural response to pain is to tighten up as a defense, which only makes the pain worse.
OK, so there’s a medical aspect. So how does one relax when responsibilities are relentless? When pain is relentless not giving you a chance to rest?

What about the non-medical aspect? That one seems to be a superstition. How does “thinking positive” all of a sudden cause one to win the lottery or have other non-medical good things happen to one?
Whatever I “project” onto that screen affects me
emotionally, and I think, ultimately, physically.
For me, it is not what “I project” that affects me negatively, it is the terrible things that befall me that affect me negatively.
Feeling a lot better gives me the energy and stamina
to do something that will ease her day.
I thought God is supposed to provide you with the energy and stamina to help your mom. This sounds a lot like depending on yourself rather than on God…

Another reason this sounds like a superstition: relying on oneself instead of relying on God. I don’t want to rely in myself. I’m the weakest link.
For me, it is not what “I project” that affects me negatively, it is the terrible things that befall me that affect me negatively.
I think that maybe you and I are in the same boat, thirdservant. I am having a lot of difficultites in life right now. For years. I’ve read so much about suffering being good for us because it helps purify us or makes us stronger, but that does not always help bring consolation. I’m not a world leader. Why do I need to be this “strong,” according to such logic?

I feel like in every aspect God has made me completely helpless to do anything with my life either to help myself or even to bring him any sort of assistance in creating his “kingdom on this earth.” I think about the parable of the vine, and how we should be using ourselves somehow to bring fruit to others, but I don’t seem to be able to do that with any of the resources/ talents he supposedly has given me.

I pray and pray and pray, and try my best to keep my hope in God. I would be lying if I said I always succeeded with the hope part. I have been looking for a permanent job for over two years now. Every project I have worked on has been terminated due to lack of funding, or moved overseas for cheaper resources. I don’t know what is wrong with me.

In the beginning I use to pray for help with specific projects, or career prospects. Now I just pray for guidance. Telling God that he always gives us options some where, but to please just let me see what he wants me to do with my life, and still I am seeing no options.

I am not looking for wealth. I am looking only for a way to meet my student loan paymetns, rent, and hopefully at some time the available medical treatment so that I can try to regain some of the vision back he took away with a freak eye infection a year ago (that has made me very injury prone for reasons known only to him). To be at a place where I can some how plan for the future again. Like some one whom I have not seen in years, but care very much for will be in New York city in June. I can’t say that it will be possible to meet this person. I don’t know where I will be living next month, let alone June. I don’t know if I’ll have moeny for food then, let alone travel.

Ideally I would like a career that somehow helps people, but I would not even dare to ask God for a specific type of opportunity.I feel like the Israelites stuck wandering in the desert. Except at least they had the word of God through Moses and they knew there was some sort of final destination better than where there were.

And I have not been worshipping idols or disobeying God’s commands, but I have no idea what he wants of me and I have been begging for this simple insight. I went to mass yesterday and when the priest started the homily about the importance of leaving one’s self open to God’s will, and it made me cry so much. Because hear I have been begging God for so long to let me know what I am suppose to take from all this pain, and where he wants me to go from here, but I hear no answer. I will pray for you. Please pray for me.
For me, it is not what “I project” that affects me negatively, it is the terrible things that befall me that affect me negatively.
I think that maybe you and I are in the same boat, thirdservant. I am having a lot of difficultites in life right now. For years. I’ve read so much about suffering being good for us because it helps purify us or makes us stronger, but that does not always help bring consolation. I’m not a world leader. Why do I need to be this “strong,” according to such logic?

I feel like in every aspect God has made me completely helpless to do anything with my life either to help myself or even to bring him any sort of assistance in creating his “kingdom on this earth.” I think about the parable of the vine, and how we should be using ourselves somehow to bring fruit to others, but I don’t seem to be able to do that with any of the resources/ talents he supposedly has given me.

I pray and pray and pray, and try my best to keep my hope in God. I would be lying if I said I always succeeded with the hope part. I have been looking for a permanent job for over two years now. Every project I have worked on has been terminated due to lack of funding, or moved overseas for cheaper resources. I don’t know what is wrong with me.

In the beginning I use to pray for help with specific projects, or career prospects. Now I just pray for guidance. Telling God that he always gives us options some where, but to please just let me see what he wants me to do with my life, and still I am seeing no options.

I am not looking for wealth. I am looking only for a way to meet my student loan paymetns, rent, and hopefully at some time the available medical treatment so that I can try to regain some of the vision back he took away with a freak eye infection a year ago (that has made me very injury prone for reasons known only to him). To be at a place where I can some how plan for the future again. Like some one whom I have not seen in years, but care very much for will be in New York city in June. I can’t say that it will be possible to meet this person. I don’t know where I will be living next month, let alone June. I don’t know if I’ll have moeny for food then, let alone travel.

Ideally I would like a career that somehow helps people, but I would not even dare to ask God for a specific type of opportunity.I feel like the Israelites stuck wandering in the desert. Except at least they had the word of God through Moses and they knew there was some sort of final destination better than where there were.

And I have not been worshipping idols or disobeying God’s commands, but I have no idea what he wants of me and I have been begging for this simple insight. I went to mass yesterday and when the priest started the homily about the importance of leaving one’s self open to God’s will, and it made me cry so much. Because hear I have been begging God for so long to let me know what I am suppose to take from all this pain, and where he wants me to go from here, but I hear no answer. I will pray for you. Please pray for me.
For me, it is not what “I project” that affects me negatively, it is the terrible things that befall me that affect me negatively.
I think that maybe you and I are in the same boat, thirdservant. I am having a lot of difficultites in life right now. For years. I’ve read so much about suffering being good for us because it helps purify us or makes us stronger, but that does not always help bring consolation. I’m not a world leader. Why do I need to be this “strong,” according to such logic?

I feel like in every aspect God has made me completely helpless to do anything with my life either to help myself or even to bring him any sort of assistance in creating his “kingdom on this earth.” I think about the parable of the vine, and how we should be using ourselves somehow to bring fruit to others, but I don’t seem to be able to do that with any of the resources/ talents he supposedly has given me.

I pray and pray and pray, and try my best to keep my hope in God. I would be lying if I said I always succeeded with the hope part. I have been looking for a permanent job for over two years now. Every project I have worked on has been terminated due to lack of funding, or moved overseas for cheaper resources. I don’t know what is wrong with me.

In the beginning I use to pray for help with specific projects, or career prospects. Now I just pray for guidance. Telling God that he always gives us options some where, but to please just let me see what he wants me to do with my life, and still I am seeing no options.

I am not looking for wealth. I am looking only for a way to meet my student loan paymetns, rent, and hopefully at some time the available medical treatment so that I can try to regain some of the vision back he took away with a freak eye infection a year ago (that has made me very injury prone for reasons known only to him). To be at a place where I can some how plan for the future again. Like some one whom I have not seen in years, but care very much for will be in New York city in June. I can’t say that it will be possible to meet this person. I don’t know where I will be living next month, let alone June. I don’t know if I’ll have moeny for food then, let alone travel.

Ideally I would like a career that somehow helps people, but I would not even dare to ask God for a specific type of opportunity.I feel like the Israelites stuck wandering in the desert. Except at least they had the word of God through Moses and they knew there was some sort of final destination better than where there were.

And I have not been worshipping idols or disobeying God’s commands, but I have no idea what he wants of me and I have been begging for this simple insight. I went to mass yesterday and when the priest started the homily about the importance of leaving one’s self open to God’s will, and it made me cry so much. Because hear I have been begging God for so long to let me know what I am suppose to take from all this pain, and where he wants me to go from here, but I hear no answer. I will pray for you. Please pray for me.
For me, it is not what “I project” that affects me negatively, it is the terrible things that befall me that affect me negatively.
I think that maybe you and I are in the same boat, thirdservant. I am having a lot of difficultites in life right now. For years. I’ve read so much about suffering being good for us because it helps purify us or makes us stronger, but that does not always help bring consolation. I’m not a world leader. Why do I need to be this “strong,” according to such logic?

I feel like in every aspect God has made me completely helpless to do anything with my life either to help myself or even to bring him any sort of assistance in creating his “kingdom on this earth.” I think about the parable of the vine, and how we should be using ourselves somehow to bring fruit to others, but I don’t seem to be able to do that with any of the resources/ talents he supposedly has given me.

I pray and pray and pray, and try my best to keep my hope in God. I would be lying if I said I always succeeded with the hope part. I have been looking for a permanent job for over two years now. Every project I have worked on has been terminated due to lack of funding, or moved overseas for cheaper resources. I don’t know what is wrong with me.

In the beginning I use to pray for help with specific projects, or career prospects. Now I just pray for guidance. Telling God that he always gives us options some where, but to please just let me see what he wants me to do with my life, and still I am seeing no options.

I am not looking for wealth. I am looking only for a way to meet my student loan paymetns, rent, and hopefully at some time the available medical treatment so that I can try to regain some of the vision back he took away with a freak eye infection a year ago (that has made me very injury prone for reasons known only to him). To be at a place where I can some how plan for the future again. Like some one whom I have not seen in years, but care very much for will be in New York city in June. I can’t say that it will be possible to meet this person. I don’t know where I will be living next month, let alone June. I don’t know if I’ll have moeny for food then, let alone travel.

Ideally I would like a career that somehow helps people, but I would not even dare to ask God for a specific type of opportunity.I feel like the Israelites stuck wandering in the desert. Except at least they had the word of God through Moses and they knew there was some sort of final destination better than where there were.

And I have not been worshipping idols or disobeying God’s commands, but I have no idea what he wants of me and I have been begging for this simple insight. I went to mass yesterday and when the priest started the homily about the importance of leaving one’s self open to God’s will, and it made me cry so much. Because hear I have been begging God for so long to let me know what I am suppose to take from all this pain, and where he wants me to go from here, but I hear no answer. I will pray for you. Please pray for me.
For me, it is not what “I project” that affects me negatively, it is the terrible things that befall me that affect me negatively.
I think that maybe you and I are in the same boat, thirdservant. I am having a lot of difficultites in life right now. For years. I’ve read so much about suffering being good for us because it helps purify us or makes us stronger, but that does not always help bring consolation. I’m not a world leader. Why do I need to be this “strong,” according to such logic?

I feel like in every aspect God has made me completely helpless to do anything with my life either to help myself or even to bring him any sort of assistance in creating his “kingdom on this earth.” I think about the parable of the vine, and how we should be using ourselves somehow to bring fruit to others, but I don’t seem to be able to do that with any of the resources/ talents he supposedly has given me.

I pray and pray and pray, and try my best to keep my hope in God. I would be lying if I said I always succeeded with the hope part. I have been looking for a permanent job for over two years now. Every project I have worked on has been terminated due to lack of funding, or moved overseas for cheaper resources. I don’t know what is wrong with me.

In the beginning I use to pray for help with specific projects, or career prospects. Now I just pray for guidance. Telling God that he always gives us options some where, but to please just let me see what he wants me to do with my life, and still I am seeing no options.

I am not looking for wealth. I am looking only for a way to meet my student loan paymetns, rent, and hopefully at some time the available medical treatment so that I can try to regain some of the vision back he took away with a freak eye infection a year ago (that has made me very injury prone for reasons known only to him). To be at a place where I can some how plan for the future again. Like some one whom I have not seen in years, but care very much for will be in New York city in June. I can’t say that it will be possible to meet this person. I don’t know where I will be living next month, let alone June. I don’t know if I’ll have moeny for food then, let alone travel.

Ideally I would like a career that somehow helps people, but I would not even dare to ask God for a specific type of opportunity.I feel like the Israelites stuck wandering in the desert. Except at least they had the word of God through Moses and they knew there was some sort of final destination better than where there were.

And I have not been worshipping idols or disobeying God’s commands, but I have no idea what he wants of me and I have been begging for this simple insight. I went to mass yesterday and when the priest started the homily about the importance of leaving one’s self open to God’s will (based on a reading in Numbers), and it made me cry so much. Because here I have been begging God for so long to let me know what I am suppose to take from all this pain, and where he wants me to go from here, but I hear no answer. I will pray for you. Please pray for me.
For me, it is not what “I project” that affects me negatively, it is the terrible things that befall me that affect me negatively.
I think that maybe you and I are in the same boat, thirdservant. I am having a lot of difficultites in life right now. For years. I’ve read so much about suffering being good for us because it helps purify us or makes us stronger, but that does not always help bring consolation. I’m not a world leader. Why do I need to be this “strong,” according to such logic?

I feel like in every aspect God has made me completely helpless to do anything with my life either to help myself or even to bring him any sort of assistance in creating his “kingdom on this earth.” I think about the parable of the vine, and how we should be using ourselves somehow to bring fruit to others, but I don’t seem to be able to do that with any of the resources/ talents he supposedly has given me.

I pray and pray and pray, and try my best to keep my hope in God. I would be lying if I said I always succeeded with the hope part. I have been looking for a permanent job for over two years now. Every project I have worked on has been terminated due to lack of funding, or moved overseas for cheaper resources. I don’t know what is wrong with me.

In the beginning I use to pray for help with specific projects, or career prospects. Now I just pray for guidance. Telling God that he always gives us options some where, but to please just let me see what he wants me to do with my life, and still I am seeing no options.

I am not looking for wealth. I am looking only for a way to meet my student loan paymetns, rent, and hopefully at some time the available medical treatment so that I can try to regain some of the vision back he took away with a freak eye infection a year ago (that has made me very injury prone for reasons known only to him). To be at a place where I can some how plan for the future again. Like some one whom I have not seen in years, but care very much for will be in New York city in June. I can’t say that it will be possible to meet this person. I don’t know where I will be living next month, let alone June. I don’t know if I’ll have moeny for food then, let alone travel.

Ideally I would like a career that somehow helps people, but I would not even dare to ask God for a specific type of opportunity.I feel like the Israelites stuck wandering in the desert. Except at least they had the word of God through Moses and they knew there was some sort of final destination better than where there were.

And I have not been worshipping idols or disobeying God’s commands, but I have no idea what he wants of me and I have been begging for this simple insight. I went to mass yesterday and when the priest started the homily about the importance of leaving one’s self open to God’s will, and it made me cry so much. Because hear I have been begging God for so long to let me know what I am suppose to take from all this pain, and where he wants me to go from here, but I hear no answer. I will pray for you. Please pray for me.
Is there another way to release endorphins? Are they not just “feel good” kind of things?

How do I get the strength to constantly think positive thoughts? God is not providing this, even though I ask…

This makes it sound like I gotta lean on my own strength instead of on God…

Also, this deals with health. What about other things in life? How do these endorphins being released solve other problems?
Exercise also helps with endorphins. Also humor and laughing.
God allows all for a greater good, the good the bad the ugly. I thank God for today, my very next breath…heartbeat. It’s amazing I can even function, seeing the goodness of God and my own depravity. To both of you, He is calling you. Pray and busy yourselves with something. Get involved in your Church…anything. Pull weeds in the garden, whatever. Take one step. God allows suffering to bring about a greater good, as Jesus willingly entered into suffering to overcome sin. We owed a debt we coulden’t pay and Jesus paid a debt He didn’t owe. Ask anything and He will give it, not necessarily in the progression you have in mind, but He will. Start going to daily Mass and frequent adoration, lay before Him your fears and wishes, that His will be done to you. “Lord what wilt though have me do”. My life has been saved by the mercy of God, but I have had to work at it. The miracles in my life are astounding. 5 years ago I think most shook their head at me and thought, he’s lost. I was indeed…you know the parable.

Peace and Love
Pray your rosary daily!!!
To both of you, He is calling you. Pray and busy yourselves with something. Get involved in your Church…anything. Pull weeds in the garden, whatever. Take one step. God allows suffering to bring about a greater good, as Jesus willingly entered into suffering to overcome sin. We owed a debt we coulden’t pay and Jesus paid a debt He didn’t owe. Ask anything and He will give it, not necessarily in the progression you have in mind, but He will. Start going to daily Mass and frequent adoration, lay before Him your fears and wishes, that His will be done to you. “Lord what wilt though have me do”. Peace and Love
Pray your rosary daily!!!
I am sure that your intentions are good, but I find messages like these insulting; that I feel hopelees because I could be praying more or differently. I have been attending daily mass for years. I have been saying daily rosaries too, in addition to other regular prayers and devotions.

Adoration is not available here, but I don’t think it would make that much more of a difference. And, as I said, I have been begging God to help me know what I am meant to be doing for him, as well as applying to hundreds of jobs over the last few years.

I don’t think my debt to Jesus is any greater than any one else’s. Yes, like every one I am a sinner, but at the risk of sounding like the Pharisee here, I have never done anything to harm any one, and find it difficult to swallow the notion that all this pain is necessary for some sort of purification process or to be stronger. The Bible also say to whom much is given, much is expceted of in return, and as I have not been given that much, (or so it seems anything, not even reliable health), it is very difficult to be told again and again “that for everything there is a reason” and “there is some greater good of this.”
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