Augustine said:
You say it’s evil, but God is doing you good. A good parent will admonish or punish a child, as hurtful as it is, but it’s for the child’s good. Why do you think that your Heavenly Father would be less than an earthly parent? He’s got His own plain to save you, it’s not yours. So shut up and fall to your knees in thanking for God’s love.
Have you read St. Therese’s “Story of a Soul” lately? Rent “The Song of Bernadette”. And then medidate why God would give them so much suffering at the end of their lives.
This sounds like condescending rubbish. thank God for lonelieness? Thank God for despair? Thank God for an inability to pay the bills, so you have to keep explaining ad nauseaum why your life is such a failure to so many creditors again and agian, begging them for their compasssion, even though they don’t belive you or care one iota for you. Thank God for insecurity, of not knwoing how long you will be any where?
That is not God’s love, this is the ibaility of peopel to help people out that leads to such suffering. God works through people, if they are open to him. If they are not open to Him, then people feel bereft of God’s love. This is not God punishing anyone, but a symptom of the injustice that is in our world because of greed, and selfishness of those with power, primarily.
Pray that God will move them with compassion, or that he will send you some one as he sent Simon to help Christ carry his corss. Don’t tell people all their suffering is God’s will, when you know nothing about them or their situation. Many people suffer because other people do not fulfill God’s will or listen to his sermon on the Mount; every one has free will. poor use of free wil leads to suffering for others.
Some one recommneded reading Theres’e Autobiography of a Soul to me earlier on, which I did. I felt bad that she had a physical disease which made her suffer, but her life was no help to me at all for inspiration. She had the support of her community. She had a loving and religious family, never wanted for anyhting, and lived a very sheltered life. Straight from the household into the convent.
She always knew what she wanted to do, and though some of it may have been hard, like joining the convent earlier than she allowed, she was able to do so. Not too mention, it didn’t take her too long to do that. She did not have to worry about starving or being homeless or being unable to help other people who needed it, like parents who lose their jobs. There may not have been a medical sure for her, but she was not deprived of medical help because of her situation.
She did experience peridos of spiritual dryness, whcih was slightly helpful to me, becuase f ehr with all her stability and security felt God was ot with her at times, then it made me feel better about wondering the same thing at times. But overall, I would not find the book inspiring if I was ot sure tht God loved me as a premise.
For inspirational purposes, I found Catherine fo Siena’s Dialogues much more helpful. I think she better illustrates how God is love, and how many problems exist because people do not distribute God’s love. She does too write about suffering as being something tht can be offered to God, and the idea that if things are going very poorly for you at this moment, then it might be because if things were going better, due to the way every thing is in the environment, and with your temperment and weeknesses, then your soul might be in more danger, because of decisison that you might make. Not always easy to believe either…but for me, was more helpful. Still, I think a lot of any problems are rooted to the people behave in general that are not rooted to God’s will; nepotisim, selfishness, greed, and that so little of the will of God is promoted by His people. Praying for conversion of souls, helps the world as much as it helps God.