Slate has an interesting analysis of what Robert George et al. have to say in their article on marriage:
It is interesting that arguments against what Girgis, George and Anderson have to say always boil down to an appeal to emotion or deprivation, thus completely sidestepping the argument itself or trivializing their points by the appeal to sympathy, pity or ad misericordiam.
It is the same appeal that has consistently eroded moral standards over the past 50 years. How would you feel if…?
The same appeal, in fact, that brought on no fault divorce and made marital commitments merely those of “How would you feel if…?”
Sure, they made a vow to each other and their children to remain faithful and caring, but, well… Things just didn’t work out.
Funny how those considerations don’t apply when, for example, money is lost on the stock market. How would you feel if you invested $20 000 on that stock and it tanked? Well, let’s get the government to step in and compensate you for the loss, you poor thing!"
Neither are similar “feelings” appealed to when someone is contractually obligated to repaying money and they fail to. Oh, he didn’t mean to sign the contract… Let’s let him off. No fault - we should all step in and repay the one owed the money.
Where children or sex are involved. We can find all kinds of excuses. Adults should not be held accountable in those areas. No, no! Let’s get the government to take responsibility in all cases involving sex and children.
After all, adults should not be responsible for their sexual feelings nor their behaviour. Sexual attractions are beyond anyone’s control after all.
Contraception, abortion, sexual indulgence, it is a free-for-all where sex is concerned because NO ONE should be held accountable for that!
We are all adults, here!
Big crying babies, more like, who will do anything to indulge ourselves. :crying:
Let’s grow up, shall we and stop this regression to infantilism before it’s too late.
The pity party is over as far as I am concerned.