Stockholm’s syndrome at its finest.
Who are we, the imperfect- the wretched- the ill, to question a system created by a being, called the Creator no less, that demands love. Give me a break!
Your argument boils down to “Well, he’s not mean, he’s just empowers us to use freewill to avoid the eternity of suffering he has instore for people who do not love him” WHy would a loving God create such a system in the first place!
Think about it, friend. The Christian God is a god who demands love or else he will make you suffer. How is that, in anyway, a good/loving thing?
Lol its not the gift part that worries me. Its the existence of a Being who will throw you in hell for eterninty if you do not follow all the instructions written in a little book thousands of years ago, a book full of claims that are made by other religions, a book full of claims that can never be truly tested for accuracy.
So if I don’t buy into what THIS one holy book says I am damned for hell?! What a silly and evil notion.
If you broke every single rule and repented with perfect contrition (sorry for offending God) with the desire to go to confession/baptism(not sure what the rule is on this)the second before you died you would end up going to heaven
And you can only be damned for disobeying it in a big way and never repenting (trying to change your ways, be sorry, etc.)
There have been many miracles (like Fatima and the hearings at Lourdes) that prove God’s existence and the truth of Catholicism
Hell is a place without God. There was a quote I saw that a damned man said he would go through 10,000 years of torture just to see a glimpse of God.
Purgatory has the same exact fire as hell, but the souls there don’t suffer as much because they know they will see God
If you really loved someone and they rejected you would you force them against their will for them to be in your presence for all eternity? Even if rejecting you and being apart from you caused them grief they don’t want to be in your presence, and forcing them to endure you for all eternity even though they hate you
He created us for heaven, but he also wants us to choose that place…and if you can choose great good there is the chance to choose great evil
Here’s how I see things. I see a society that mocks the very existence of God, the idea of God all the time and then they complain that they won’t get to be in his presence after showing no sign of wanting to. They don’t seem to want to think there even is a God.God put them into existence, keeps them in existence, continually tolerates their bad behavior to them a chance to repent and start over and they refuse to even try. I mean if someone did that to their parents they would be terrible, but if they do that to their creator it’s rational?! What?
I mean a lot of the rules keep us from hurting ourselves and others.