Please explain to me why gay marriage is wrong

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With all due respect, for many many people, Gay Marriage is a CIVIL issue and not a moral one. Those, like myself, who do not see homosexuality as a sin, see many many parallels, and exactly the same type of arguments, that were used to justify discrimination towards mixed race couples getting married, voting rights for women, etc. While you may say there is no similarities, the arguments are virtually identical. Talk about strawmen and ad hominem.

So while the religious right may never accept Gay marriage, their kids will, and it is happening and will happen. Sorry about that. Love will prevail, always.
Why should marriage be a civil issue. What is the states interest in marriage?
With all due respect, for many many people, Gay Marriage is a CIVIL issue and not a moral one. Those, like myself, who do not see homosexuality as a sin, see many many parallels, and exactly the same type of arguments, that were used to justify discrimination towards mixed race couples getting married, voting rights for women, etc. While you may say there is no similarities, the arguments are virtually identical. Talk about strawmen and ad hominem.

So while the religious right may never accept Gay marriage, their kids will, and it is happening and will happen. Sorry about that. Love will prevail, always.
I have no doubt love will prevail, but not the kind of love nor in the manner you suppose.
Nevertheless, when the Son of man comes, will he find faith on earth? (Luke 18)
Then they will deliver you up to tribulation, and put you to death; and you will be hated by all nations for my name’s sake. And then many will fall away, and betray one another, and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because wickedness is multiplied, most men’s love will grow cold. But he who endures to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, as a testimony to all nations; and then the end will come. (Matt 24:8-14)
As were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of man. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they did not know until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of man. (Matt 24:36-44
With all due respect, for many many people, Gay Marriage is a CIVIL issue and not a moral one.
The only reason it could be a civil issue is if it were, at some level, a moral one or has inevitable moral implications.

There is no reason for any issue to be a civil one, if it does not have moral repercussions - the well-being of society being a key one.
With all due respect, for many many people, Gay Marriage is a CIVIL issue and not a moral one. Those, like myself, who do not see homosexuality as a sin, see many many parallels, and exactly the same type of arguments, that were used to justify discrimination towards mixed race couples getting married, voting rights for women, etc. While you may say there is no similarities, the arguments are virtually identical. Talk about strawmen and ad hominem.

So while the religious right may never accept Gay marriage, their kids will, and it is happening and will happen. Sorry about that. Love will prevail, always.
It amazes me how folks use numbers to prove a point, my children included, right and wrong, good, bad, it doesn’t matter. The truth is the truth, and error is error, the numbers do not matter.
God be with you
why do homosexual’s want to ‘marry’? what is marriage? i always thought it was a man and a woman coming together in the eyes of God.
=Ositokc;12589575]Thank you for inadvertently proving my point, exactly! Brilliant actually. I agree with you!

Do you really expect us to fall for this?
  1. Most of the country used to believe slavery, the oppression of colored people, to be fine and that they were not equal to white people. Just because a majority of people believe something does not make that so!
Funny, I keep on hearing from the gay “marriage” movement that they are now in the majority in the USA.
  1. Most of the religious right in this country believe homosexuality is wrong, and that the oppression of gay people, denying them the right to get married, is fine, and that they were not equal to straight people. Just because you and a majority of people believe something does not make that so!
It’s not that GLBTQ persons aren’t equal, it’s that homosexual behavior is not the same as heterosexual behavior. The two can never be equal in measure, regardless of what a court of legal body says.
You are correct sir. Just in the opposite of what you think. Thank you again for proving my point.
:rolleyes: I think you need to re-read the post. He wasn’t doing that at all.
Talk about strawmen and ad hominem.
Translation: you have nothing more of substance to say and thus concede.

So while the religious right may never accept Gay marriage, their kids will, and it is happening and will happen. Sorry about that. Love will prevail, always.
While you are right that more children are accepting of homosexual marriage this is only because they are taught from an early age in public schools that it is good and then reinforced through the popular media as they get older. However, many after becoming adults will recognize that what they were told was wrong and baseless in fact. Every bit as baseless as claiming that homosexuality will prevail because it is about love. On the contrary, it will fail as it always has because it is about the opposite of love and as such destroys a society from within by destroying camaraderie among same sex individuals. this has been repeated throughout history and the results are always inevitable and predictable.
While you are right that more children are accepting of homosexual marriage this is only because they are taught from an early age in public schools that it is good and then reinforced through the popular media as they get older. However, many after becoming adults will recognize that what they were told was wrong and baseless in fact. Every bit as baseless as claiming that homosexuality will prevail because it is about love. On the contrary, it will fail as it always has because it is about the opposite of love and as such destroys a society from within by destroying camaraderie among same sex individuals. this has been repeated throughout history and the results are always inevitable and predictable.
My good sir, my grandparents were married and in love for over 60 years and raised 10 children! My good friends, John and David have been together for 18 years, married for 10 and are raising 3 children together! I see love and joy in both relationships. The latter is not destroying society in any way. It’s sad you cannot see that.

So I agree that love will indeed prevail. It’s not about agendas or popular media corrupting children, in fact it’s the opposite. As a child I was taught homosexuality is a sin and wrong, but now after becoming an adult it’s quite clear love, whether gay or straight, is prevailing.

So after hearing this, do you still believe John and David should not be able to get married? How about raising children? Where do you draw the line, may I ask, since you believe it is destroying society from within? Again I ask, what is your endgame? Criminalize homosexual acts? Gay Marriage? What do you want seen if you could snap your fingers? Please tell me your solution. Thank you.
why do homosexual’s want to ‘marry’? what is marriage? i always thought it was a man and a woman coming together in the eyes of God.
In American society marriage has become little more than in institution for two people to express to society how much they love each other with children being an optional accessory, under such a societal definition it is being inconsistent to deny gay people the institution of marriage. Marriage used to be when a man came together with a woman for the production and rearing of offspring and under such a societal definition it is perfect consistent to deny gay couple the institution of marriage.

Gays being allowed to marry won’t destroy the institution of marriage because heterosexuals already beat them to it.
In American society marriage has become little more than in institution for two people to express to society how much they love each other with children being an optional accessory, under such a societal definition it is being inconsistent to deny gay people the institution of marriage. Marriage used to be when a man came together with a woman for the production and rearing of offspring and under such a societal definition it is perfect consistent to deny gay couple the institution of marriage.

Gays being allowed to marry won’t destroy the institution of marriage because heterosexuals already beat them to it.
“Wrong” is such an odd word to describe this.

I prefer “impossible”.

Gay people may get a certificate, call themselves “married” and live about however they want to, it doesn’t affect me. No more than myself getting a certificate calling me a doctor and performing surgery on teddy bears. Call it whatever you want; but in God’s eyes there’s no such thing.
“Wrong” is such an odd word to describe this.

I prefer “impossible”.

Gay people may get a certificate, call themselves “married” and live about however they want to, it doesn’t affect me. No more than myself getting a certificate calling me a doctor and performing surgery on teddy bears. Call it whatever you want; but in God’s eyes there’s no such thing.
Thank you. Thank you for saying it doesn’t affect you. This is quite the opposite from Brass saying gay marriage will “destroy society from within.” Live and let live, very wise words. This is exactly what many people want, let the couples get that marriage certificate and live however they want to. Amen.
From where comes this knowledge that sex acts between persons of the same sex are good and proper (not a sin)?
hi Rau. I would say who am I to judge, or to put it better:

Good Evening Rau: I would suggest that homosexuality primarily hurts heterosexual people who spend what little time they have on this earth worrying about the sexuality of other people. Worrying about who else gets married. Things like that. I would rather be engaged in my own sexuality than to worry about others. Now, this is just my opinion, but I’m pretty certain that I’m not being hurt by other people’s sexuality.
hi Rau. I would say who am I to judge, or to put it better:

Good Evening Rau: I would suggest that homosexuality primarily hurts heterosexual people who spend what little time they have on this earth worrying about the sexuality of other people. Worrying about who else gets married. Things like that. I would rather be engaged in my own sexuality than to worry about others. Now, this is just my opinion, but I’m pretty certain that I’m not being hurt by other people’s sexuality.
A simple “it’s just a feeling” would have sufficed. :rolleyes:
Thank you. Thank you for saying it doesn’t affect you. This is quite the opposite from Brass saying gay marriage will “destroy society from within.” Live and let live, very wise words. This is exactly what many people want, let the couples get that marriage certificate and live however they want to. Amen.
Notta prob.

That’s not to say that I approve of it in a Spiritual way; but I also don’t approve of Christians becoming Muslims in the same way. I’m not going to stone you for it or try and stop you beyond saying it’s not Godly. As for homosexual marriage specifically, it’s not even possible.
For the sake of argument why don’t you answer that. I’m curious.
According to the Relationships Indicators Survey conducted by Relationships Australia and CUA in 2008, the reasons why people get married are:



To signify a life-long commitment

Security for children

To make a public commitment to each other

For legal status or for financial security

Because of religious beliefs

Response to Family pressure

Desire for a special occasion

Seems like a pretty good list, and any couple gay or straight should be able to get married for any of the above reasons, don’t you think?
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