Gratias Grace:
Usually I find a way to stop their attacks. But this time I am stuck to number eleven at the link. It is the letters IHS. I can’t remember the meaning of these letters. Can somebody help?
I would simply approach it with the following two arguments:
1st - In making such a strong accusation against other Christians or non-Christians, the Bible tells us we should take our complaint to the Church. Your statement is an accusation, for which you have provided no credible sources. To approach this with Biblical integrity, I would expect that you find a credible, (ie. verifieable standing in his field) either Babylonian anthropologist, or archeologist, to substantiate your statement, and then present his study or dissertation on this to the church. If you cannot do so, then I would, in the purisuit of Christians honesty, take down the statement until you can find such a knowledgeable source.
2nd - if you are able to find such a statement, I would expect you to show how the use of the same letters on a wafer as some supposedly did who lived some 2500 years ago detracts from our relationship with God. As you attempt to do this, please address also, why the following Pagan symbols/practices are used within the SDA Church and are not considered a detriment to the SDA’s relationship with God, yet these three letters are?
a. Steeple (well known phallic symbol)
b. Wedding Rings (pagan origin now used by SDA’s to symbolize Christian marriage.
c. Holy Book (pagans also had holy books of writings)
d. Dollar bills, which have the “all seeing eye”, SDA’s often collect money with this pagan symbol and then claim to sactify it with a blessing, to God.
e. baptism, practiced in ancient pagan cultures.
f. Prayer, practiced in acient pagan cultures.
g. symbols of the Cross, often recognized as a sign of Tammuz, who is suggested as being the child of the Sun God, Nimrod.
h. candle light services, often pagans did their ceremonies by firelight/candlelight.
I. Christmas Tree - many SDA Churches put up a tree at Christmas for the purpose of having children and families hang their offerings on.
If you do not claim that the following are an impediment to your serious devotion to God, then can it be intellectually honest that three letters are the same as the first letters of the Transliterated form of the names of three pagan Gods.
Would it not then also be fare to say that SDA stands for, “Satan Does All!” or that EGW stands for “Evil Gargoyles Win!”