Please help me with a Seven Day Adventist!!!

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It is amazing how much time some groups like the SDA’s, LDS’s, JW’s and others spend trying to discredit or damage the RCC. Most of these groups have the door to door approach, looking for some poor RC who hasn’t been to Church since first Communion and then they fill them with ****. Are they doing the work of God, or are they trying to damage the very Church that Jesus started? The Scriptures warn us of false teachers, and I would suggest that these folks, well meaning they maybe, are doing just that. We should be praying for their conversion! Perhaps our Parish should sponser a - bring a heretic to Church- day and these folks can get a dose of the truth.
It is amazing how much time some groups like the SDA’s, LDS’s, JW’s and others spend trying to discredit or damage the RCC. Most of these groups have the door to door approach, looking for some poor RC who hasn’t been to Church since first Communion and then they fill them with ****. Are they doing the work of God, or are they trying to damage the very Church that Jesus started? The Scriptures warn us of false teachers, and I would suggest that these folks, well meaning they maybe, are doing just that. We should be praying for their conversion! Perhaps our Parish should sponser a - bring a heretic to Church- day and these folks can get a dose of the truth.
They have to. If they don’t, one of the pillars that their denomination rests upon goes away. While mormons have some radically divergent ideas, one of their scholars had it right, saying that without the “great apostasy”, they would have to consider the Catholic church to be the church of Christ. The more legitimacy they give the Catholic Church, the more they have to allow for that fact that it may be the true church. And their attacks have to be grandiose and intense to prevent them from objectively investigating themselves.
Their (SDA) founders have already made multiple predictions of the coming of Christ which have proven false; that alone is enough to prove that their founders are false prophets, ergo their religion is false. Given this, how would you be able to keep your followers? :cool:
Their (SDA) founders have already made multiple predictions of the coming of Christ which have proven false; that alone is enough to prove that their founders are false prophets, ergo their religion is false. Given this, how would you be able to keep your followers? :cool:
Hi Ichabod,
Actually, the SDA Church, nor the founders of the SDA Church, have ever set any dates/times for Christ’s return. The Millerite movement, which did set dates, had been gone for nearly 20 years by the time the SDA Church was founded in 1863. The LARGE majority of the Millerites never joined the SDA Church, and this includes William Miller himself.

However, it is true that some of the SDA Church founders were originally part of the Millerite movement, and did believe in some of the dates set by the Millerites, however, by the time they founded the SDA Church they had clearly and vocally seen that they were in doctrinal error when they believed anyone could set a date.

Oops. My mistake. Not having been an SDA, their history has a tendancy to blur. What happened to the Millerites, did they disappear, or did they just adapt to the new flavor of adventism?
This one’s got me in a bind.

16. St Peter’s square has largest solar wheel on planet. ALL Catholic churches have numerous solar wheels in stain glass windows as well as many other areas of the church. Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris sports a very huge one on it’s face. There is a great one in
** ceiling as well as the floor tiles of the monastery of St. Ignatius Loyola in Spain. Numerous paintings, statues, ornaments, and letterheads of all Catholic churches have one or more “solar wheels” depicted upon them. And the ONE WORLD CHURCH that**
** started on June 26, 2000 uses the solar wheel as its official logo**
and this one also.

**18. Painting of the child (Tammuz) and mother (Semiramus) with the glory of the Sun around their heads **

18.Paintings of the child (Jesus) and mother (Mary) with halos or of the Sun around their heads
just thought it would be interesrting:

SDA’s claim the Pope is the anit-christ because the Pope’s title Vicarius Filii Dei has the numerical value of 666 (using roman numerical system)

Vicarius Filii Dei is NOT an offical title for the Pope. So there goes that, but using the same method the name of the SDA foundress, Ellen Gould White does equal 666

Vicarius Filii Dei = Vicar of the Son of God
In addition the 666 reference in Revelations refers to the number of the name of the beast, not the number of the title of the beast.
This one’s got me in a bind.

16. St Peter’s square has largest solar wheel on planet. ALL Catholic churches have numerous solar wheels in stain glass windows as well as many other areas of the church. Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris sports a very huge one on it’s face. There is a great one in
** ceiling as well as the floor tiles of the monastery of St. Ignatius Loyola in Spain. Numerous paintings, statues, ornaments, and letterheads of all Catholic churches have one or more “solar wheels” depicted upon them. And the ONE WORLD CHURCH that**
** started on June 26, 2000 uses the solar wheel as its official logo**
That a sun-based calendar was in use anywhere is proof of nothing, size is purely an issue of economy, although the larger the scale the more accurate it can be. That a sun-based calendar can be circular is a natural logical conclusion. That different cultures derive similar symbology for similar concepts is understandable. The problem with these types of accusations is in inventing a causal relationship that supports your argument, but failing to prove it. My catholic church doesn’t have any solar wheels - this is sufficient to disprove the statement that “all catholic churches have numerous solar wheels”.
At their basis, many SDA anti-catholic arguments have a conspiracy element, which is by its very nature hard to prove/disprove.
Oops. My mistake. Not having been an SDA, their history has a tendancy to blur. What happened to the Millerites, did they disappear, or did they just adapt to the new flavor of adventism?
The Millerites never formed their own church, for example
William Miller was actually a Baptist Preacher. The millerites by and large were composed of members of about every church out at the time. For the most part, they just assimilated back into their native churches. The movement pretty much fell apart after the second failed prediction… understandably… LOL

This has been a wonderful thread. Most imformative.

All my children have gone to a 7th Day Adventist School, and I have seen nothing except genuine Christians.

Funny, though, as I’ve expressed my desire to become a Catholic, the truth comes out in their beliefs: “The Whore of Babylon”, etc.


One of my friends’ husbands was raised a Catholic and now has unbelievable anti-Catholic sentiments. It’s no point trying to show him anything, however, I feel so sorry for him that he has been persuaded such in the Adventists’ doctrine, and lost his precious truth of his youth in the RCC.

Does anyone have any good book recommendations I could give him to read?

This has been a wonderful thread. Most imformative.

All my children have gone to a 7th Day Adventist School, and I have seen nothing except genuine Christians.

Funny, though, as I’ve expressed my desire to become a Catholic, the truth comes out in their beliefs: “The Whore of Babylon”, etc.


One of my friends’ husbands was raised a Catholic and now has unbelievable anti-Catholic sentiments. It’s no point trying to show him anything, however, I feel so sorry for him that he has been persuaded such in the Adventists’ doctrine, and lost his precious truth of his youth in the RCC.

Does anyone have any good book recommendations I could give him to read?

How about Surpsrised By Truth? It’s got a lot of converts’ stories that explain everything… a really good book, for non-Catholic and lapsed Catholic alike, even for a hardcore Catholic, too 😉 👍 :cool:
How about Surpsrised By Truth? It’s got a lot of converts’ stories that explain everything… a really good book, for non-Catholic and lapsed Catholic alike, even for a hardcore Catholic, too 😉 👍 :cool:
YES, the “Surprised By Thruth” books are really good!!! But I can’t remember that som SDA’s contributed to the books.

It is good we have Brandon here. He knows out of experince!


Unfortunately for the SDA(Seven Day Adventist), I have some bad news. No matter how hard SDA try, you cannot escape practicing some pagan traditions. In fact pagan traditions are practiced every day by every day people including SDA and JW.

Did you know that the calendar that we use today is of pagan origin?

= The sun, in honor of the pagan sun god (dies Solis - Eng.Sun-day).
Monday = The moon, in honor of the moon god. (dies Lunae - Eng.moon-day)
Tuesday = The planet Mars, in honor of the god Mars. The Saxons named this day after their god Tiw and called it Tiw’s day. “Tuesday” comes from the name of this Saxon god. (dies Martis - Eng.‘the day of Mars’)
Wednesday = The planet Mercury, later named in honor of the Teutonic god Wedn or Woden (*dies Mercuris = *‘the day of Mercury’)
Thursday = The planet Jupiter, later named in honor of the Teutonic god Thor. (*dies Iovis - Eng.*the day of Jupiter)
Friday = The planet Venus, later named in honor of the Teutonic goddess Frigg or Freia. (*dies Veneris - Eng.*the day of Venus)
Saturday = The planet Saturn, in honor of the Roman god Saturn.(*dies Saturni - Eng.*the day of Saturn)

= Januarius, in honor of the Roman god Janus.
February = Februarius, in honor of the Roman festival of general expiation and purification.
March = Martius, in honor of the Roman god Mars
April = Aprilis, which was derived from aperio, a Latin verb meaning to open. The month is so called because it is the month when the earth opens to produce new fruits.
May = Maius, in honor of the Greek goddess Maia.
June = Junius, in honor of the Roman goddess Juno
July = Julius, in honor of Roman emperor Julius Caesar
August = Augustus, in honor of Roman emperor Augustus Caesar.

SDA members that accuse Catholics for practicing paganism because we have traditions and that we are not sola scripture should think about why they too are practicing tradition, pagan traditions. no matter how hard a SDA member try to refrain from paganism they can’t help to use the calendar traditions(pagan trad.)

So, next time you encounter someone accusing catholics for paganism, counter thier questions by asking them; What day is it today? …What Month is it?..Why is it Monday today?..Why is it January?..Why is your chuch called Seven Day Adventist?..What are the names of the 7 days of the week?..etc

Did you also know that another pagan traditions that SDA regularly practice (and the most of the western and eastern societies now days) is the exchange of wedding rings?..Why do SDA couples exchange wedding rings?..
Did you also know that another pagan traditions that SDA regularly practice (and the most of the western and eastern societies now days) is the exchange of wedding rings?..Why do SDA couples exchange wedding rings?..
Hi Micky,

Many SDA’s do not exchange rings for exactly this reason. When I was married in the SDA Church, the pastor would not have married us if we had exchanged rings. Granted there are some that do, but I would still say the majority of active Adventists do not.

In fact at SDA schools/universities, you often look to see on which arm a person wears their watch to tell if they are engaged or married. 😉

Gratias, if you point out HOW Mrs. White was a false prophet that may help. Unfortunately, much of Adventist theology is the “whore Babylon” idea.
I make it a point to go to sda amazing facts (falsehoods) seminars. I ask pointed questions and then tract the cars in the parking lot. They are one of the most neglected anti-Catholic groups. I would like to see a comprehensive apologetics book that focuses on how to defend against them. If there is one let me know.
I make it a point to go to sda amazing facts (falsehoods) seminars. I ask pointed questions and then tract the cars in the parking lot. They are one of the most neglected anti-Catholic groups. I would like to see a comprehensive apologetics book that focuses on how to defend against them. If there is one let me know.
At only the cost of stamps and envelopes, I’m amassing a collection of their literature, so I can go through them and dissect their errors, just in case I run into a situation where I’m going to have to defend the faith.
and this one also.

**18. Painting of the child (Tammuz) and mother (Semiramus) with the glory of the Sun around their heads **

18.Paintings of the child (Jesus) and mother (Mary) with halos or of the Sun around their heads**

**## Interesting, and mistaken. **

**According to “The Two Babylons”, The Babylonians **made pictures of Semiramis and her son - Semiramis being the wife of the [Biblical **character] Nimrod, who, after he was killed, ******made up a story that her son was Nimrod reincarnate - according to Hislop. **

**A good story, but mistaken. **

Tammuz is a “dying and rising god”, of a familiar Near Eastern type. His name is a form of that of the god Dumuzi, who is described as the son of the goddess Sirtur (apparently a deified ewe). There is a “Semiramis”, but she is an Assyrian of uncertain but high rank, who lived about 810 BC. She, is solidly historical - Dumuzi, who may be an historical character, would, if he existed, be about 2000 years earlier. He has no connection with Babylon apart from having a shrine or two there: “Semiramis” [real name: Sammuramat] has nothing to do with Babylon. “Semiramis” is a Greek distortion of her name; her character, as known to Hislop, is a mixture of the historical Sammuramat with a number of goddesses - the story that Semiramis loved a horse, is a memory of a passage in a Babylonian poem which mentions in passing the love for the horse of the goddess Ishtar.

**Sammuramat was never deified, and is never said to be the mother of Dumuzi-Tammuz; and neither has any connection with the sun. **

**As for the alleged painting - a great many pictures and statues of gods and goddesses are known, mostly from cylinder-shaped seals. Deities were shown first with nothing to show they were deities, except that they were shown larger than humans; then, they were shown with pairs of horns, which were probably representations of the fearsome divine radiance that clothed them. But they were never shown with haloes. Only with horns. **

**So, item 18 is wrong. **

**This link: **

- leads to a picture of the sun-god Shamash [seated on the right]; note the horns around his turban. The picture is part of a tablet dated about 870 BC. ##
…If you do not claim that the following are an impediment to your serious devotion to God, then can it be intellectually honest that three letters are the same as the first letters of the Transliterated form of the names of three pagan Gods.

Would it not then also be fare to say that SDA stands for, “Satan Does All!” or that EGW stands for “Evil Gargoyles Win!”


Evil Gargoyles Win! :rotfl: good one!
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