And now accusations? I don’t know what I expected when I came here, but not this. Here is the addy of our diocesan newspaper. upcatholic.org/ Check the archives, then ask if I’m exaggerating. Regarding the priest, 200 miles away, at the other end of our diocese: If you knew this person you would not be at all surprised. He was not adding to gossip. It was a gut reaction to what she did to him 12 years ago. And the priest after him, and now our current pastor. How does she hold sway? She does the work of ten people, she is very efficient and organized, but her motives are self-serving. No, I don’t think she is necessarily evil, but she is terribly broken, will not seek help and refuses to submit to ANY authority. She has even said that she prays to God and skips the middle man-Jesus. She does nothing out of love, but out of priestitis. She seeks attention, good, bad or otherwise. And because she seeks it, she will never be satisfied. She HAS to do everything because no one else, including the pastor (in her eyes) is qualified. As soon as you show signs of having an opinion of your own, she moves on to the next group of people to whom she previously would not give the time of day. When they get wise to her, she moves on to the next group. She’s running out of options as we are a small parish of 800 families. Admittedly, there is a fine line between gossiping and trying to find a remedy for bad situation. But save your judgements, only God knows our hearts and He will judge us based on our motive. BTW, how do you know so much about Dan Brown?

This seems so over the top. Priests dying, one committing suicide, others leaving under suspicious circumstances and sexual accusations? Are you exaggerating at all? **It sounds like a bad Dan Brown novel! **–I can’t imagine a priest 200 miles away, no names, and he recognizes the situation and in the confessional adds to the gossip? I guess I’m just spoiled by our super parish priest.
If she’s so obviously nuts how does she hold sway? Where does she get her “power” (other than from the evil one). And how do you know you would have support–has there been a lot of gossiping?