So I sat through most of those videos, and I find them entirely unconvincing… basically this guys video says, he became an atheist first because he found some disturbing stories in the Bible and because he could not refute an atheist professor’s arguments against his own.
Folks who take the Bible literally, will find a very different image of God in the Old Testament versus that in the New Testament. A harse, very vengeful God appears in the Old and a loving merciful God appears in the New. The thing about the Bible is that, the stories were written for various purposes to teach lessons to various generations of Isreal. When we try to apply all these stories to every situation, we can easlity run into problems.
This guy is thinking that the Holy Spirit is personally speaking to Him in nearly every situation. I don’t think God works that way. IF that were the case, then I could ask God for every answer to every test that I ever take, and I would be 100% right all the time. There may be times, when God is listening, like when I pray in critical situations,
BUT I know for certain that, He could care less when I am bowling, otherwise I would be bowling perfect games every week. I have never even had one (perfect game), so I know He is not listening.
We do not always have the Holy Spirit listening, so we will not always have all the right answers even when we are confronted with the most astute atheist professor. The error in this guys thinking is that he thinks, he is infallible, that as long as he thinks the Holy Spirit is talking to him, he can make no mistakes. Well, no one elected him pope and he does NOT have a personal, uninterrupted line directly to God.
(and even the pope is not 100% always in tune with God, althoiugh some folks think that he is - he is only 100% right when he is speaknig ‘ex cathedra’ on matter of faith and morals)
Folks who take the Bible literally, will find a very different image of God in the Old Testament versus that in the New Testament. A harse, very vengeful God appears in the Old and a loving merciful God appears in the New. The thing about the Bible is that, the stories were written for various purposes to teach lessons to various generations of Isreal. When we try to apply all these stories to every situation, we can easlity run into problems.
This guy is thinking that the Holy Spirit is personally speaking to Him in nearly every situation. I don’t think God works that way. IF that were the case, then I could ask God for every answer to every test that I ever take, and I would be 100% right all the time. There may be times, when God is listening, like when I pray in critical situations,
BUT I know for certain that, He could care less when I am bowling, otherwise I would be bowling perfect games every week. I have never even had one (perfect game), so I know He is not listening.
We do not always have the Holy Spirit listening, so we will not always have all the right answers even when we are confronted with the most astute atheist professor. The error in this guys thinking is that he thinks, he is infallible, that as long as he thinks the Holy Spirit is talking to him, he can make no mistakes. Well, no one elected him pope and he does NOT have a personal, uninterrupted line directly to God.
(and even the pope is not 100% always in tune with God, althoiugh some folks think that he is - he is only 100% right when he is speaknig ‘ex cathedra’ on matter of faith and morals)