Please please help.

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Zimm3r, these were my thoughts on the videos. Feel free to comment, from your perspective. If there’s something in the videos that nobody has yet commented on, and that you’d like a comment on, please tell. There is one point in which I completely agree with Evid3nc3 - okay, probably more than just one, but this is the one I came to think of. Searching for the truth always is a good thing. I advise you to read, to study and to talk to people of all opinions. If the only way to God is shutting all other people than the faithful out… then surely that’s a proof for the religion not being the truth that it claims to be.

I appreciate your thoughtful analysis. To answer some of your suspicions:

The most astounding thing in the videos, that really make me think that evid3nc3 did not tell the exact truth about his deconversion story, is that of all the online atheists he had debated obviously nobody had been able to point out to him that there is sound evidence (although not 100% proof, such is difficult to find) that the Bible was compiled and altered under a period of many hundreds of years. Seriously, I thought everybody know that!?!

You overestimate the sophistication of online atheists, especially online atheists from 10 years ago. They focused primarily on Appeal to Ridicule, calling Jesus a zombie and the Bible a bunch of fairy tales. Most atheists I argued with knew close to nothing about the Bible. Not even what it said, let alone how it was constructed. To be fair, most of the atheists I argued with at the time were my own fairly young age, in their late teens and early 20s.

If the “professor” in reality is a compilation of a bunch of people he met…

The “professor” is a real person and the conversations in my videos are taken literally from my email exchanges with him. You can still find his Amazon review by searching the words I posted in the video where I first met him. Many of my most analytical and intelligent subscribers have done just that and uncovered his identity themselves, confirming it with me over private message. I’m going to force you to do the hard work of uncovering his identity yourself in the same way if you really want to know who he is. I don’t want him to be bothered by every dick and jane on the Internet, which is why I never revealed his real name directly.

If I missed other suspicions about my series, let me know. Again, I appreciate your thoughtful analysis but wanted clarify and correct the few inaccuracies you implied about my videos.
Evid3nc3, I see. No, I won’t search him out. It’s just not that important to me. If the professor had been a compilation of several different people, that hadn’t mattered much to me. I do wonder, though, why he thought it was good for him and his wife that they were Christians well into their 30s. What exactly did that save them from, I wonder, that their non-believer friends went through. By stating this, he says there is some quality in the Christian faith… the opinion that religion is for weak people who need a father figure but not for strong, intelligent people - which he clearly holds, from other things he said - is not unusual. I don’t think it’s true, though. Religion obviously meets needs that people from all walks of life have. The question is, what kind of needs. Either our heart is restless until it rests in you (Augustine)…

…or something more worldly. Or maybe I should say, more human.

To a certain extent, it seems that people who travel from a Christian tradition with a very literal, black/white understanding of the Word of God often travel to a position of atheism that also is black/white, and just as important to them as their religion was. I never understood organised atheism. It makes sense regarding people like you, with your background and upbringing, but people like me - grown up in a secularised family in a secularised country - normally think that if there is no God that means “no need to spend time on religion, not in disproving it either”. In the US, where religion is everywhere, I understand it will be partly different.

If God is a - what was the word you used. Just a construction, that we fill with meaning, then obviously people will fill this with different kinds of meaning and the concept can probably be used both to good and to bad ends. In a Christian society, general knowledge about human interaction, what we today call “psychology” and life philosophy will be framed in Christian terms. This is especially true in a time pre-dating our social sciences, but even today - reading scientific papers seldom affects the way we interact with others or with ourselves. It’s a different kind of learning. Perhaps religion is a language which, at its best, enables us to learn important things. I think there is plenty of usefull stuff in there. Apparently bad stuff also. Sifting required, just as in life in general.

By writing this, I suppose I remove all credibility on my part, on this forum. That is… okay. I guess I’ve reached a conclusion on where I currently stand, and this place wasn’t created for people like me. You had a part in that, Evid3nc3. Thank you for your story. I’m sure you realise that you have created an account of - I don’t know the English terminology, sorry. Your story is the equivalent of typical Pentecostal witnessing “I was a sinner who drank smoked and cursed, stole and led a wicked life, but Lord came into my life and now I’m saved”, in front of the whole crowd… people’s individual stories are important. Thank you for sharing yours.
Many thanks to Zimm3r who started this interesting thread, and to Evid3nc3 who made the videos that sparked it all off. I have found it challenging and thought-provoking.
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