Please Pray for Me as I Go to College

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I’ll be praying for you today as you leave for university; and for your success there.
Texas A&M has a great Catholic Church and a fairly large Catholic population for a public school. Mass and reconciliation are offered everyday. Plus they are very true to the faith (NFP and chastity are VERY big). So I know that I will be able to find some good Catholic friends. I just am more worried about dorm life…like Jart mentioned…I don’t really know what to expect. Thank you again for all of your encouragement and prayers. I will keep all of you in my prayers as well, especially you Jart-hopefully you can find some supportive Catholic friends. I am leaving tomorrow, so it may be a day or two before I am able to get back online, but I’ll let you all know how everything is. Peace and God bless!
Hi Kevin…with every new venture a level of anxiety is completely normal…it has an element of the unknown and hence the fear/anxiety of the unknown. Very often in life it is best not to build expections which are from the imagination in the main, as very often reality completely contradicts our expectations. I have heard that any major change in life can take up to (and at the very least) 6 weeks before we can form a relatively firm opinion, so do give yourself time. I will be keeping you in prayer. May The Lord ever watch over you and let you know it…and grant your studies His Blessings with success and good companionship in fellow students and dorm mates…

Blessings and regards…Barb:)
Howdy again everyone. I got here yesterday evening, so it has been a little over one full day. I have been having a great time so far, and really enjoy all of the people here. Everyone is nice, and the general morality I would have to say is probably above what you would find at most other colleges. However, I understand how difficult it is going to be to get myself to go to daily mass. I’m probably going to be busy with friends alot of the time, so it might be hard for me to pull myself away from that. Hopefully though with God’s grace, I will be able to do it. Thanks again for all the prayers!
you are in my prayers. No matter what, always keep your eyes fixed on God and your relationship with Him. He is the prize! Let nothing deter that focus and you will be on the right track.
You will see all manner of sin and debauchery. Pray for them. This alone should improve your prayer life 100% or so. Pray for strangers. Pray for those who appear lost-and those who obviously are lost. Keep the Sacraments up, as well as mass attendance. Look at those around you using the eyes of Christ, that way you will not lose heart.

Praying for you.
Definitely keep on going to Mass. It is very easy to start skipping Mass in college, and your friends might help rationalize this. Make sure you always make time for God! And if you start to question things, seek answers, especially here at CAF!


We older people are very proud of you as I am sure your parents are. Praise God for young people like you who are interested in Mass and all that God has to offer…Praise God for young people who request prayer!! You will be an asset to the dorm. I know that God will let his light shine through you and affect those around you.
I guess I never really understood how much temptations dorm life would have and it’s only my first week! Some guy invited me a while ago to go talk to some of his friends outside their dorm so I went. Somehow the conversation came up about religion then Catholicism. There was 4 people who I had just met. I didn’t defend the faith from what they were saying and I regret it. I didn’t say anything at all… They really ticked me off. I just wanted to get out of their because I don’t like to be around people who go out to drink and get laid. They asked if I wanted to go out and drink with them but you all know my answer to that. I prayed for a phone call from someone for I can use as an excuse to leave. 2 seconds later my mom calls me. Coincidence? I don’t think so! I don’t really know anyone but I seriously need to find some hardcore Catholic friends. I pray once again for you to overcome any temptation college life throws at you. There will be PLENTY.
Try going to the Newman Center. You should be able to meet many Catholics there.
Praying for you. Before you know it you will make friends. The Neuman Center is a good place to start.

Howdy again everyone. I got here yesterday evening, so it has been a little over one full day. I have been having a great time so far, and really enjoy all of the people here. Everyone is nice, and the general morality I would have to say is probably above what you would find at most other colleges. However, I understand how difficult it is going to be to get myself to go to daily mass. I’m probably going to be busy with friends alot of the time, so it might be hard for me to pull myself away from that. Hopefully though with God’s grace, I will be able to do it. Thanks again for all the prayers!
Will keep you in prayer…May Grace be victorious…
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