I like that saying … thanks.
Glad to have helped. I’ll pray for you tomorrow.By the way, just wanted to let you know that I called the priest about the annointing of the sick … I believe he is coming over either Friday or Monday … thank you again for reminding me of this.
So sorry to hear that but glad that it doesn’t seem to have spread.Cancer diagnosis was confirmed. Kidney Specialist is taking out the tumor and a section of my kidney on November 4th … the reason we are waiting until November 4th, is because I first have to have parathyroid surgery … the parathyroid effects the kidney … so they need that to stop happening before they cut a portion of the kidney out.
Sending me for a cat scan to see if the cancer spread … but the kidney specialist is hopeful that it did not, because he said the cancerous tumor is on the small side. Trying to get in today to get the cat scan … waiting to hear back from the hospital for an appointment.