Indulgences are not talked about these days. But Indulgences are a dogma of the church. There are many ways to earn a plenary indulgence (PI) and one way is to say the rosary in church in a group!
A plenary indulgence removes all the punishment, there is probable a better word, due for sins that have been forgiven. You can gain one for yourself or a soul in purgatory.
The standard requirements are to receive Eucharist, go to confession, pray for the Pope and his intentions. And, end all attachment to even venial sin.
The last one is a tough one. I ask my confessor and he said to pray and put your trust in God to end any attachment.
So I go to daily mass and there is a group who say the rosary after mass. On Tuesdays there is confession after mass.
So I have been trying to gain a PI each week with the hope of freeing my relatives from purgatory. Then I ash them to pray for people on my prayer list.
As far as ending my attachment to sin I pray to do that and with weekly confession I feel I am getting there.
I don’t know for sure if I have gained even one PI but I know it has helped me.
You can look this all up with Google. I put things in my own words so go by official church documents.
I encourage you to take advantage of this great gift!
A plenary indulgence removes all the punishment, there is probable a better word, due for sins that have been forgiven. You can gain one for yourself or a soul in purgatory.
The standard requirements are to receive Eucharist, go to confession, pray for the Pope and his intentions. And, end all attachment to even venial sin.
The last one is a tough one. I ask my confessor and he said to pray and put your trust in God to end any attachment.
So I go to daily mass and there is a group who say the rosary after mass. On Tuesdays there is confession after mass.
So I have been trying to gain a PI each week with the hope of freeing my relatives from purgatory. Then I ash them to pray for people on my prayer list.
As far as ending my attachment to sin I pray to do that and with weekly confession I feel I am getting there.
I don’t know for sure if I have gained even one PI but I know it has helped me.
You can look this all up with Google. I put things in my own words so go by official church documents.
I encourage you to take advantage of this great gift!