Maybe I see society as having taken a wrong turn when we all withdrew into the living room to watch the latest episode or the game.Do you see a means by which we can turn things around?
Maybe what we need is to start working together on projects to change things rather than only focusing on getting the government to provide.
It seems like all of us want to see needy people being helped, but we have different ideas on how to do that. Some people focus too much on providing opportunity, others on government aid.
If we could dump all that and simply work together to help people, then some would learn that some poor people are not able to simply go to work, and other people would learn that economic opportunity is really necessary for some poor people.
(An aside: maybe this is what people think of when they think of the good old days or the 1950s as a good period?)
Anyway, I do not think we will be able to start unifying until we stop screaming at each other and start listening, and this applies to both sides of the aisle.