What, at the parish level, might be a means of building bridges between those who want to allow, and those who want to disallow, those people who politically support abortion to receive Eucharist?
Tough question. I think the answer become clearer when somebody openly and actively campaigns for abortion rights, (lookin’ at you, Pelosi and Biden), and then expects to receive Eucharist. That’s as absurd as Obama drone-bombing a bunch of countries and then receiving a Nobel Peace Prize. Human rights violations of any sort go against both Catholic teaching
and what Nobel had in mind with his award.
On the other hand, Catholics who thoughtfully struggles with the abortion issue should leave that decision to their confessors.
So that’s my own personal take on allow-vs.-disallow. Your post is about how to bridge that gap between Catholics who disagree on the issue.
My answer? I don’t know if it’s our job to do so. Instead, our job may be to challenge the underlying assumption is that we as lay people have some fundamental right to influence how Church hierarchy addresses this question. To be clear, we very much don’t.
American Catholicism, especially, is weird. I see this dynamic play out every day on CAF. And I argue that
this is the source of the polarity mentioned in the original post:
We take our otherwise laudable, red-blooded advocacy for principles like free speech, democracy, and consumer choice . . . and we try to apply these principles to an ancient Church in which they’re entirely irrelevant.
The Church is here to clarify and guide us in the Truth. It is not a democracy. Our complaints about Synod X or Encyclical Y are largely irrelevant and not for us to try to influence. (I’m looking at you, Father Martin and Lifesite).
Am I making sense? I’m suffering from Mom Brain this morning and having a hard time articulating things . . . .