Poll: Donald Trump Takes the Lead in Florida over Joe Biden

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I did hear the President. The Q Anon thing does not mean anything to me. I only hear about Q Anon from the news.
I was not talking about you. If you heard of QANON from the news, then you cannot say that you know nothing of it. And that is what Trump claimed. Just like when he declared that he is not familiar with David Duke.

In the town hall meeting he kept on claiming that he did not know when he was tested negative for the virus. Is there still anyone who believes him?
What do you recommend?
How about learning critical thinking, considering the news from multiple media outlets, paying attention to the sources, weighing in the media outlet’s agenda, and learning to separate news from commentary? Then maybe one would be equipped to come to one’s own conclusion.
Please point me to the NY Times and WaPo’s apology for
pushing a phony Trump-Russian-Collusion narrative
for almost three years of their readers/viewers time no less?
Please point me to the NY Times and WaPo’s apology for
pushing a phony Trump-Russian-Collusion narrative
for almost three years of their readers/viewers time no less?
Sorry. When you state ’ pushing a phony narrative’, that is a buzzword statement. You need to identify facts.

Next, the Times and the WaPo do have a staff of fact checkers. Collusion was never the point – Trump tried to use official means and resources to foster his re-election.
Nepperhan . . . .
the Times and the WaPo do have a staff of fact checkers.

Actually Nepperhan, the Times and the WaPo do have a staff of SELECTIVE fact checkers.

My point abput the phony Trump-Russian-Collusion narrative was right-on.
Actually Nepperhan, the Times and the WaPo do have a staff of SELECTIVE fact checkers.
That’s not accurate. As with Time magazine, every fact stated gets a dot placed over it which is checked by the fact checkers. Few folks know that. Newsweek does the same.

There’s nothing selective about it. You should post what you know and not speculation.
This was from Fox News today (Sorry to get back to the thread topic):

“Four years ago Trump narrowly edged out 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in Florida. An average of some of the most recent polling in the state shows Biden holding a single-digit lead over the president. In a sign of how important the state is to the president’s reelection, Trump’s spent three days campaigning in the state this week.”

Actually Nepperhan, the Times and the WaPo do have a staff of SELECTIVE fact checkers.
Nepperhan . . .
That’s not accurate.
It is exactly accurate. Which is WHY you will not see an apology nor correction about
almost three years of reporting FAKE NEWS to people.
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I still have not received my mail in ballet. It is trouble some. Another fellow I know has had the same happen to him. His mail in vote has not arrived.

What I’m planning to do is bring with me to the voting facility my old registration card. I saw online I’m registered too, so that shouldn’t be an issue.
Yes but so what?

The article didn’t cite those polls.

The whole point of the article was how Trump has overcome the deficit he had.

You people said the same thing four years ago too. And your guys were just as wrong then.
It is exactly accurate. Which is WHY you will not see an apology nor correction about
almost three years of reporting FAKE NEWS to people.
The Times, I know, prints clarifications all of the time. The problem is that you have your own view of what you believe is false or inaccurate. It ain’t necessarily so.
The whole point of the article was how Trump has overcome the deficit he had.
And the problem with that view is that it is inaccurate. Trump has not overcome his deficit.
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Cathoholic . . .
The whole point of the article was how Trump has overcome the deficit he had.
And the problem with that view is that it is inaccurate. Trump has not overcome his deficit.
Nepperhan. Did you even read the article you cited??

The article you cited does NOT say Trump is behind Biden in Florida.

It says he is polling behind among SENIORS.

Here is from your own link . . .
the latest Fox News national poll indicates Biden with a slight 49%-47% edge over the president among seniors. A Wall Street Journal/NBC News national poll released this week showed a larger 54%-44% margin for Biden among voters 65 and older.
Bold mine for emphasis.
To everybody else:

This again from the OP . . . .
Trump up over Biden 46 percent to 43 percent, with one percent support . . .
I stand by everything I posted here.

These guys in the media did this same thing with skewed polls favoring Democrats four years ago too.
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This is my theory. The polls will show Biden leading,however given the overall enthusiasm for President Trump ,ie: his massive crowds at rallies,supports from several unions nationwide .The poll numbers don’t jive with what I mentioned above. So the plan is to lead us to believe Biden is ahead,that way when they cheat it won’t be questioned. :roll_eyes:
This is my theory. The polls will show Biden leading,however given the overall enthusiasm for President Trump ,ie: his massive crowds at rallies,supports from several unions nationwide .The poll numbers don’t jive with what I mentioned above. So the plan is to lead us to believe Biden is ahead,that way when they cheat it won’t be questioned.
Why are you surprised that his hard core supporters - manifested themselves in the rallies are adamantly behind Trump? That is a given. Fortunately for all of us, the majority has a different opinion.

And your “cheat” insinuation is wearing thin. Let’s wait until Nov. 3rd and see what happens.
The enthusiasm factor is sorely lacking for Joe Biden.He doesn’t draw more than a dozen people to an event,and that’s a good number for him.The covid has allowed him cover for his abysmal numbers.
I agree let’s see what happens on Nov,3rd😌
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