at the mass i attend, there are those who are avowed sedavacantists and those that are not. my reply to those who are is “he’s the guy that signs the paychecks. of course he is the pope.” on the other hand, as quoted in the adoremus bulletin, pope benedict stated that vat. ii did one thing that never had happened before. “they (vat. ii) changed the definition of the liturgy.” i may not like the way some of the novus ordo’s conduct their services, but then again, it is my humble opinion, there is more politics and theories behind “et unum sunt” than meets the eye. we should be charitable to each and hope that each of our positions is correct, " just in case." neither i, nor anyone else are not interested in committing suicide. this whole business is for the salvation of souls, no matter what side on which you care to drop. controversey weakens us all. have a good year. (ali)